Teaching and Learning

Learning Portfolios
This year, every student at Miners Rest Primary School has a Learning Portfolio. Students have already been busy working on pieces to place inside their portfolios and they are looking fantastic!
At Miners Rest PS Learning Portfolios are:
- A way to showcase student’s best work samples
- A celebration of learning and success
- Centred around student voice
- Used to facilitate and support Student Led Conferences
- Comprised of authentic work samples
Students will present their portfolios during Student Led Conferences later on this term, and again in Term Three. The portfolios will remain at school to allow students to continue to add pieces of their learning throughout the year and they will go home with students in the last week of school for 2024. In saying this, we welcome you in at any time throughout the year to admire your student's Learning Portfolio with them.
Kyra Ives
Learning Specialist - Assessment and Reporting