Principal's Report

We, at Miners Rest Primary School, would like to acknowledge the Wadawurrung people of the Kulin Nation.
We pay our respects and thank the Wadawurrung people.
May we share your land. We promise to look after it, as well as the animals and people too.
Bell times
In recent times, staff have been trialling a change in times throughout the day to determine as to how the school could address an increase in eating time for our students, provide a 30-minute lunch break for our staff, while still ensuring the Department mandated 300 minutes of instruction for students each day. A model has been developed where staff are now able to have an adequate lunch break, our instruction time is compliant and, most importantly, students will eat slightly earlier and have a 15-minute eating period at lunchtime every day. This will mean that our day of instruction for students will commence 5 minutes earlier each day. This earlier start will commence from Tuesday February 20, with the start of instruction beginning at 8:55 am. I want families to understand that many options were considered, with this option being the least disruptive overall to school routines. A 'soft start' approach for the rest of this term will be taken to support families acclimatise to the new schedule, meaning that an arrival between 8:55 am and 9:00 am will be acceptable. We thank families, in advance, for their support in this improvement measure.
Bells times throughout the day will now be as below:
8:45 am - Students enter classrooms and begin readiness for learning tasks
8:55 am - Instruction commences
10:55 am - Snack Time
11:00 am - Recess Play
11:20 am - Instruction Time
1:20 pm - Lunch Time
1:35 pm - Lunch Play
2:20 pm - Instruction Time
3:20 pm - School concludes
Athletics Day
Due to Athletics Day being held on the last day of Term One this year, we ask parents of students in Years 3-6 to kindly transport their children directly to Llanberris Recreation Reserve by 9:00am on Thursday, March 28th, 2024. This will assist the day to run efficiently with a 2:30pm finish time. Students in Foundation – Year 2 will go to school as usual and will be transported to Llanberris by bus for an 11:00am start. All students from F-6 will then be collected by parents/guardians by 2:30pm from Llanberris. We are hoping that giving our families enough notice will assist in the coordination required for his whole school event.
Ball Sports
Miners Rest Primary School will host our annual Ball Sports event on the last Wednesday of the term, February 27 from approximately 9:00 am until 11:00 am. Please note that Foundation students will be in attendance on this Wednesday to ensure their participation in this very popular whole school event. Families are encouraged to attend and cheer along from the sidelines. Pop the date in your diary and we look forward to having all of our students at school to engage in this event.
Volunteers Induction
Thank you to families who registered to attend the Volunteers Induction session, due to be delivered this evening. Unfortunately due to unforeseen circumstances, this session will be delivered next Wednesday evening February 21 at 6:00 pm leading into the Connect Ed Program. All parents/carers are welcome to attend. For those unable to make this time, a follow-up information resource will be provided via a link in an upcoming newsletter.
Medwell Oval Gates
I thank families for their understanding around the Medwell rear gates being locked during the day in direct support of student safety and school security. Parent response to date has been supportive and initial measures implemented are addressing the security concerns raised. I welcome feedback about this arrangement to ensure that we consider all viewpoints. Thank you.
Connect Ed
Our very popular parent education program launches next Wednesday morning and evening - we look forward to welcoming families and providing learning and support to allow optimum support for our students at home and at school.
Curriculum Day
Next Monday our staff will experience their first professional learning day for the year with the focus being on Student Wellbeing and Engagement. Staff will engage with consultant Glen Pearsall to explore, understand and implement a range of evidence-based techniques and strategies that will support students to maximise learning opportunities and engagement in the classroom. This will be a student-free day at school.
Classroom Environments
Have you taken the opportunity to explore your child's classroom environment? Our teaching staff dedicated significant time prior to the start of school to ensure a welcoming and beautiful space to ensure a sense of belonging for all students. Student work is now being displayed throughout learning spaces and a real sense of pride can be felt throughout the school. March 21 will be a date that families will have the opportunity to formally engage with their child/ren in classrooms, as an acknowledgement to Harmony Day.
Foundation Information Night
Our Foundation Team are ready to welcome families into the Davey Building tomorrow evening. This information session promises to be an informative and enjoyable experience for all in attendance.
Our Junior School Council for 2024 will be presented with their badges this Friday at our School Assembly. As always, our families and school community are warmly invited to attend.
Enjoy the rest of the week,
Kylie Nissen.