From the Classroom - D5 (Miss Hannah)

Welcome to our Foundation children and families!
Congratulations to all of our Foundation students on a wonderful start to school. We look forward to many more wonderful days of learning this year!
What have the Foundation students been learning about?
Foundation students have had a busy couple of weeks settling into school routines. Students engage in a morning routine including completing a name morning sign in, getting their book boxes ready for Independent Reading and completing the classroom calendar.
Classroom Agreement
We developed this agreement together as a class which involves principles that we agree to focus on to ensure a happy and safe learning environment. Each child has signed their name as a sign of ownership and agreement.
Students have been learning all about their names including how to write their names and about letters and sounds in their names. Students enjoyed listening to the picture storybook ‘Chicka Chicka Boom Boom’ and created their own name coconut tree using jumbled-up letters.
In Mathematics this week, students have strengthened their understanding of numbers to 5 by counting forwards and backwards, subitising and making small collections. Students have been using a six sided dice to roll and collect counters to create different groups of numbers.
Last week, your child received their new diary in their reader bag to record reading that is done at home. Each day, a new home reader is sent home to be read together. Reading together involves looking at the words and pictures and discussing what is happening in the book. Reading at home helps support your child to become more confident in their reading. Please ensure regular reading is happening at home and record the book title on the date it was read. You may wish to write a comment as well.
- No school for Foundation students on Wednesdays for Term One
- Please ensure your child brings a drink bottle filled with water and plenty of food for the day (healthy 'brain' food is best😊). Students will be encouraged to eat a healthy fruit snack between lessons.
- Please pack your child's hat, headphones and an art smock, all clearly named. Children will leave these items at school in their tubs.
- Please ensure your child brings their reading satchel each day. As per our homework policy, Foundation children are expected to read or listen to someone read nightly.
- SeeSaw invites have been sent home. We would appreciate if families could connect to their child's SeeSaw to keep up to date with the wonderful learning that is happening in our classrooms.
- Please pack a spare pair of underpants/clothes in your child's school bag just in case!
Hannah Gluyas
Foundation Classroom Teacher