
Student Absences
If your child is absent from school, please phone the office on 5334 6328 or log the absence via the Sentral App.
If you need to inform the school of a previous or an upcoming absence, please call the office, or log via the Sentral App. If the absence is for an extended period, such as a family holiday, please also advise your child’s teacher to ensure they are aware.
If your child is late for school, either come into the office to sign them in as a late arrival, or upon dropping your child to school, please remind them that they will need to come via the school office to be signed in as a late arrival before going to class. Note that where office staff are not advised of late arrivals, parents will receive messages advising children are not at school, hence it is worth ensuring office staff are advised of late arrivals.
Should you need to collect your child early from school, we ask that you please notify the school office in the morning or as early as possible to advise us. This allows staff time to make the necessary arrangements with classroom teachers, causing as little disruption as possible to all staff concerned, and to have the necessary students waiting at the office for pick up, in a timely manner for parents. A reminder that when parents drop in unexpectedly, especially when children are outdoors during breaks, we ask you to be patient, as it can take some time to locate students as they may not hear their name called over the PA system.
The same rules apply for early departures as per late arrivals, that is that students need to be signed out as an early departure, logged via Sentral (office staff do this)
It is a Department requirement that parent’s advise the school of all school absences. Any unexplained absence will be followed up by the school (text message sent at 9:45 am).
Thank you for your cooperation regarding all aspects of student absence and attendance.
Families who hold a current, valid Health Care Card may be eligible to apply for the Camps, Sports & Excursion (CSEF) Allowance of $15 per student. If you successfully applied for CSEF in 2023 you do NOT need to complete an application form in 2024 unless there has been a change in your family circumstances (ie Foundation student starting school). Please come to the Office to collect an application form which needs to be completed and returned together with a copy of your Health Care Card (we can copy it in the office). Please return forms ASAP.
For more information see
Conveyance Allowance
If you live more than 4.8 km from the school and Miners Rest Primary School is the
closest Government School to your home, you may be eligible for the Conveyance Allowance. Please come to the office to collect a form which must be returned by 8/3/2024.
For more information, please see
Should you have any queries regarding the above information, please do not hesitate to contact the school office staff for assistance.
Miners Rest Primary School Hats
The school is now selling broad-brimmed Miners Rest Primary School hats at a cost of $17 each directly from the office. These are the same hats that Beleza sell. If you would like to purchase a hat, please contact the office.