Principal's message

This year has only just begun but already we are at the end of Week 3 and we have achieved so much in so little time.
We have developed a number of leadership positions in each classroom in our newly formed Student Representative Council (SRC). I would like to congratulate the following students who will be representing their class in leading our school;
The Kangaroos (Ms Moore): Baxter & Hank
The Koalas (Ms Bolton): Laylah & Ivy
The Kookaburras (Mr Smith): James & Lily H
The (Yellowed-Tail Black) Cockatoos (Mr Lee): Addison & Milla
Over the next week we are also finalising the leadership positions of;
-School Captains (x2)
-School Vice Captains (x2)
-House Captains (x2 each house)
The School Captain speeches will be held at Assembly on Monday and all students will vote on their preferred leaders.
As have also just formed our new School Houses (House names decided by our students). We have aimed for all students to remain in family groups. This coming Thursday (weather permitting), we are aiming at running our first House Sports. This year we'll be aiming at running just with staff, before next year welcoming families to join us. We encourage your child/children to wear their house colours on the day, however uniform is also totally acceptable :)
Student's applying for roles of House Captain will make speeches to their prospective House just prior to recess on Monday, all students within the house will vote and Captain's will be announced Monday afternoon.
Dreeite (yellow) | Warrion Hill (green) | Lake Corangamite (blue) | Red Rock (red) |
Zea A | Oliver B | Rupert B | Robert C |
Willow B | Bodhi G | Stella B | Jaxon G |
Jasper G | Eleesiah G | Pheobe B | Oscar K |
Leila K | Lenny M | Isabel R | Caleb K |
James K | Monty W | Zayli R | Ivy K |
Ted M | Baxter W | Chloe R | Amelia K |
Will M | Ashton Mc | Amos M | Ava E |
Harper B | Evelyn G | Ava M | Naomi F |
Kayden B | Addison G | Ashton S | Hope F |
River M | Carter H-R | Hamish S | Leilani C |
Lily H | Isabella H-R | Mac T | Grayson C |
Hank S | Bentley H-R | Laylah B | Orlando C |
Ella Mc | Alexa R | Levi B | Eleanor C |
Mia Mc | Arthur P | Zahli B | Darcy C |
Jasper P | Noah Mc | Jett K | Angus C |
Jaxon H | Abel Mc | Milla K | Harry C |
Ruby H | Lily Mc | Teejay H | Piers C |
Mia K |
Congratulations Adam and Amy
Congratulations to both Adam and Amy who welcomed their beautiful little daughter Tully into the world on Tuesday :)
On behalf on the Alvie community we wish Tully, Adam and Amy the best during this treasured time.
Learning Referrals
At Alvie PS we pride ourselves on having a team of expert educators who cater for individual learning needs. However, there are times that students require additional assessments or learning supports to promote the achievement of desired learning outcomes. If you believe your child may require additional learning supports or assessments, please first discuss these with the teacher. The teacher will then discuss options with the appropriate leader to determine the available options. Although we are often able to implement actions efficiently, referrals to external organisations may require some patience.
School Council Elections 2024
School Councils play an important role in the governance, policy making, strategic planning, and establishment of the broader direction and vision for a school. School Councils consist of Department of Education and parent members, with the latter forming the majority. At Alvie PS, we have two meetings a term, The meetings are currently held of a Wednesday evening, usually in Week 4 and Week 8 of each term.This year we have four parent vacancies.
- Two vacancies for 2024 - 2025
- Two vacancies for 2024 – 2026
And one school employee vacancy
- 2024–2026
Parents can self-nominate, or be nominated by someone else. If there are more nominations than available positions, a ballot will be held. In this instance, each candidate will be invited to provide a statement outlining their profile, or any experience/skills they can bring to the role. Nomination forms are available from the front office. The timeline for nominations and elections is outlined below:
- Notice of election and call for nominations
Tuesday 13 February 2024 - Closing date for nominations
Tuesday 20 February 2024 - Date by which the list of candidates and nominators will be posted
Wednesday 21 February 2024 - Date by which ballot papers will be prepared and distributed
On or before Monday 26 February 2024 - Close of ballot
Monday 4 March 2024 - Vote count
Wednesday 6 March - Declaration of poll
Thursday 7 March - Special council meeting to co-opt community members (the principal will preside)
Wednesday 20 March - First council meeting to elect office bearers (the principal will preside)
Wednesday 20 March
Functions of a School Council
- establishing the broad direction and vision of the school with the school’s community
- participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
- approving the annual budget and monitoring expenditure
- developing, reviewing and updating school policies
- raising funds for school-related purposes
- maintaining the school’s grounds and buildings
- entering into contracts (such as for cleaning and construction)
- reporting annually to the school community and to the Department
- creating interest in the school in the wider community
- informing itself of and taking into account the views of the community
- regulating and facilitating the after-hours use of the school premises and grounds.
Child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School
Information for families and the school community
Alvie Primary School is committed to providing a child safe and child friendly environment, where students are safe and feel safe. Our child safety and wellbeing policies outline the measures and strategies we have in place to support, promote and maintain the safety and wellbeing of our students:
As valuable partners in promoting and maintaining child safety and wellbeing at Alvie Primary School we welcome and encourage your feedback. If you have any suggestions, comments or questions in relation to our child safe policies and practices, please contact our principal on 035234 8256 or via email