Catholic Identity

Our New School Theme for 2024

‘BEHOLD I Make All Things New.’ 

~ Revelation 21:5 ~


Last Monday, our staff started the year off together in prayer. Prayer forms a major part of our Catholic Identity here at St Brendan’s.  It is through prayer we connect with God and each other.


The focus for our prayer is our new school theme and it is also the CES these for 2024.  ‘Behold! I make all things new.’ Revelation 21:5.


This year’s theme reminds us all of God’s promise of renewal. The scripture passage in Revelations, brings comfort and hope in a world often filled with chaos and uncertainty, resonating with God’s continual invitation to refresh our lives and spirits. ‘Behold, I make all things new’ acts as a safe beacon as we navigate the tapestry of life, facings trials and triumphs. 


Within our classrooms and throughout the year we will encourage our students to have a new attitude, develop new ideas and practice new skills, to be the best person we can be and to live life to the full in the love of God and His Son, Jesus Christ.


As an added bonus Father Jackson Saunders, our assistant priest here at our Parish Church, joined us in prayer virtually sending us a pre-recorded blessing to welcome us into the New Year. We are very grateful for all our priests and we always take great comfort in their presence and counsel among staff and students. 


As we start the New Year, may every obstacle become a stepping stone, leading to a renewed and strengthened connection with our loving Creator. 


Loving God,

We lift our hearts to You.

Behold, you make echoes in our hearts:

“I make all things new!”

Renew our lives, cleans our spirits, and guide us with Your love.

In Your loving transformation, may we find strength, hope, and everlasting joy.






Pancake Tuesday- 13th February


Next week our students will learn about the beginning of a new liturgical season, starting with SHROVE TUESDAY, otherwise known as PANCAKE TUESDAY.  Please see the attached images regarding Pancake mixture and topping DONATIONS and a GOLD COIN Donation on the day, which will go towards our efforts to support CARITAS Australia.


Schools across Sandhurst are major contributors to Caritas Australia during the LENTEN Season and our students and families are always very generous in their donations, something we are very proud of.  This term, our students will contribute donations to Caritas through Pancake Tuesday, the Project Compassion boxes (which will be sent home next Wednesday, 1 box per household with extra boxes kept at the front admin) and our annual Solidarity Walk, which the students will hear more about in the coming weeks. 


All these fundraising efforts magnify for our students the need for compassion for others who are less fortunate than themselves.


Throughout Lent our students will listen to stories about people around the world who have been fortunate to gain assistance through CARITAS Australia. It is a wonderful awareness campaign which gives our students the opportunity to GIVE and MAKE A DIFFERENCE.




ASH WEDNESDAY, 14th February


The students will then come together in PRAYER on ASH WEDNESDAY, 14th February with parents and friends welcome to come along.  PRAYER is one of the THREE PILLARS of LENT. 


Lent is more than saying no and giving things up. Lent is a time for us to change our lives and grow in holiness. Through the three pillars of Lent - FASTING (giving up), ALMSGIVING (giving to others) and PRAYER, we endeavour to develop a closer relationship to God. Our 40 days should be filled with reflection, service and prayer. 



Parents, friends and carers you are all most welcome to attend any of the Liturgies your child will be involved in or attending. 





Wishing all our families, our students, teachers, leaders and priests a wonderful start to the New Year.



Leanne Pellegrino

(Catholic Identity Leader)
























Wishing all our families, our students, teachers, leaders and priests a wonderful start to the New Year.



Leanne Pellegrino

(Catholic Identity Leader)