Community News 

Rotary of Oakleigh, Clayton & Huntingdale 




Home - South Oakleigh College (

SOC has a student base approaching 900 with a supporting family/ community network.


SOC's focus “is to provide a challenging and stimulating work environment for all our students, giving them every opportunity to achieve their respective goals.”



RotaryOCH is a strong club as part of Rotary International (Home EN | Rotary International) The Club has a membership of 36 and in normal circumstances substantial income from the Oakleigh Rotary Sunday Market, annual Charity Golf Day at Huntingdale Golf Club, Bunnings BBQ and other fundraising activities.

Its voluntary activities provide financial and other support to more than 30 local community & youth organisations. 


RotaryOCH has a long association with SOC, funding leadership & other programs over many years.


RotaryOCH has a strong desire to continue to support the students at SOC on an ongoing basis BUT it needs a reciprocal response from SOC to assist Rotary in its Community activity and fundraising.



The agreement, covering two years effective from 1 January 2024, will be reviewed on an annual basis. It incorporates the following key elements:



  1. In principle, RotaryOCH agrees to sponsor the following activities on an annual basis, subject to the successful operation of the Oakleigh Rotary Sunday Market & other fundraising activities. RotaryOCH guarantees $500 per annum, the balance to be subject to Rotary income.
  2. Student Development & Scholarships 

RotaryOCH commits $2,000 per annum usually at the commencement of the school year. The intent of this Donation is twofold:

(i)   $500 for use towards the Student Development Programs; and 

(ii)  $1,500 is to be used by the school for scholarships, to be allocated to selected students in Years 11 and 12 who make a significant contribution to the College. 

The recipients shall be selected at the end of Year Ten of their schooling. 


In allocating the funds consideration should be given to those students who may not otherwise be able to attend or receive the benefits of those programs due to financial, social or physical constraints. 

To determine eligibility for the program, there must be a procedure in place to ensure that the most suitable students are selected. 

When possible, the Rotary Club should be involved in the review of and input into the selection procedures.

Upon completion of the program, the students should receive a Certificate of Completion with an acknowledgement of the RotaryOCH. 


3. Breakfast Club Program 

RotaryOCH commits $2,500 per annum to support the School Breakfast Club Program, which is run by the student leadership group. The program’s objective is;

  • To provide breakfast to students who don’t have breakfast at home & provide a social place for breakfast interaction among students
  • It also provides the opportunity for the development of leadership & culinary skills. 


  1. Citizenship Awards 

RotaryOCH commits to funding TWO annual Citizenship Awards to the total value of $500 per annum.

The awards are to be presented to two students (male & female - $250 each) selected by the school, together with an appropriate certificate recognising RotaryOCH.


  1. Annual Walkathon BBQ 

RotaryOCH commits to staffing the BBQ cooking, for the lunch associated with the Student Annual Walkathon fundraising activity - usually at the end of the first School Term.


6. SOC Interact Club 

RotaryOCH commits to assisting & supporting the founding of an Interact Club 

Interact Clubs | Rotary International by students at SOC. 


7. Model United Nations Assembly 

Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) | District 9810 (

RotaryOCH commits annually to sponsoring at least one SOC team participation in the District Model United Nations Assembly (MUNA) completion.


8. RotaryOCH – Student Art Competition 

RotaryOCH will invite the College & its students to participate in the Rotary student art competition.


9.    Other Rotary Youth Programs

RotaryOCH commits to inviting SOC student participation in other Youth and leadership programs that occur from time to time on an annual basis in the Rotary calendar – for example 



SOC acknowledges the commitments and support of RotaryOCH & the need for RotaryOCH to raise funds before it can support SOC student activities. 

For its part SOC commits to supporting RotaryOCH activity in the following ways.


  1. Rotary BBQ Trailer Storage

SOC will provide secure storage space for the RotaryOCH BBQ trailer on the school grounds, at no cost to RotaryOCH.


  1. Promotion of RotaryOCH & Rotary Market to the School Community 

SOC will promote Rotary, its support for SOC and the Oakleigh Rotary Market to the school community in an appropriate way at least once every term – School newsletters etc, and otherwise related to particular activity.


  1. Student Promotion of RotaryOCH  

The students, supported by appropriate staff, will undertake at least one activity each year to promote RotaryOCH as part of their learning experience, commencing the first term of 2024 – e.g., the production of a short promotional video of RotaryOCH & the Oakleigh Rotary Market. Such other activities can assist their learning experience.

  1. RotaryOCH activity on School Grounds 

Subject to agreement on specific details SOC agrees in principle to;

  • RotaryOCH activity being advertised on school property – e.g., RotaryOCH event signage on school fencing 
  • Special fundraising events on the school grounds – e.g., a major car club show in 2024 


  1. Student performance at RotaryOCH functions

From time to time & subject to reasonable notice SOC will endeavour to facilitate student musical performances at RotaryOCH functions.  


  1. Joint fundraising activity - to mutual benefit 

SOC is prepared to facilitate assistance with people power - staff, students & parents on agreed joint fundraising activity – Specific Oakleigh Rotary Market Activity OR Bunnings BBQ for example.

OAKLEIGH ROTARY SUNDAY MARKET - Potential Contract Employment Opportunity

Rotary Oakleigh Clayton Huntingdale (RotaryOCH) runs the Oakleigh Rotary Market every Sunday. The market gives back to the community more than $85,000 each year – principally as the main source of income for RotaryOCH, assisting the Club to distribute more than $100,000 to community organisations & projects.

RotaryOCH is reviewing the operations of the market in 2024 and is considering employing a Part Time Contract Coordinator. Duties would include; receiving & managing bookings, by dedicated phone/text/email, and scheduling market stallholder layout / program prior to each Sunday, so RotaryOCH can manage each market efficiently. Required attributes – knowledge of/support for Rotary, good communications skills, good documentation / organisation skills. Time allocation, approximately 4 hours per week, with some (but desirable minimal) liaison with the Market on Sundays. Contract remuneration to be negotiated. 


If you are interested contact David Whiting – E M 0418 554 287 ASAP before 7th January 2024.             

VCE PhysicsTutor

Apply to be a homestay family for international students

We are seeking homestay families living in our local school community for students travelling here from overseas.


Homestays are more than just a room to sleep, they offer the safety, security and welcoming environment of a real family.


Homestay families go through strict screening and monitoring processes by the Department of Education. New homestay providers would participate in an interview with school representatives, as well as regular home visits by a school representative. Every member of a homestay household over the age of 18 years of age would also need to obtain a Working with Children’s Check card.


Homestay providers receive payment.

For more information on how to become a homestay provider, click here: Become a Homestay Family (

If you would be interested in becoming a homestay provider for our school, please send your expression of interest to

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Sustainable Bookshop

A secondhand textbook trading system

  • List Wanted & For Sale Ads
  • The school’s booklists are loaded into the system to make the Ad listing process easy, fast and accurate
  • Assistance is provided to accurately price items
  • Our ad-matching service shows you
    • Exactly the right items to buy
    • Who has the most items you need
    • The cheapest items
  • Buyers contact Sellers and arrange where and when to trade
  • Excellent email and telephone helplines are provided: 1300 683 337