Parking Safety

Staff Car Park and Drop Off Zone

Parking Around the School


Please be mindful of where you are parking at drop off and pick up times. We have had  parents parking across our neighbours driveways and moving their bins. This causes much frustration for our neighbours as their bins are then not collected and they are unable to get in or out of their own driveways. Please remember if you are just dropping off and not getting out of your car that you can always use the drop off zone located on Bridgewater Boulevard.


Staff Car Park


Please note the Staff Carpark is for Staff only. The only exception to this is if you are the holder of a Disabled Sticker or if you are dropping off or picking up students from Team Kids (Before and After School Care).

It is extremely dangerous having parents parking in there at the start and end of the day as we have staff coming and going at different times.


Drop Off and Pick Up Zone


The school's 'Drop Off Zone' is located on the Bridgewater Boulevard side of the school. Please remember this is for dropping off and picking up only, with a two minute time limit. Please do not park and leave your car as this makes it incredibly frustrating for parents who are trying to use the space correctly. 

If you wish to leave your car to walk your children into or out of the school, please park in the streets surrounding the school and not in the Drop Off Zone.


Thank you for your assistance in keeping everyone safe.

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