Pastoral Care and Student Wellbeing News

 Trish Star - Leader of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care

Welcome to the 2024 school year and it is already shaping up to be another busy one. Students and staff alike have been settling in to their routines, welcoming those new to the community and enjoying reconnecting with friends and colleagues.


In the student wellbeing space this year we are pleased to welcome Sue Hone in the role of Student Wellbeing Support Officer. She is very excited to be working with our students and will provide invaluable support. 


Our Pastoral Leader team has been very very busy, doing their best to ensure a smooth transition back to school. We welcome Ms Louisa Reynolds to this team and know that her experience and interest in student wellbeing will be appreciated by the Year 10 cohort. Please reach out to your child’s Pastoral Leader if you have concerns. You may be re-directed to a classroom teacher or Leader of Learning if necessary. If necessary the Pastoral Leader may seek support from myself or our College counsellor, Karen Surian. As a team, working with families, we aim to provide the best outcome for our students. We will also be utilising the support of our roving counselor, Sarah Sinclair, on a weekly basis. She will commence with a transition program for all our year 7 students. Topics the students will explore include positive relationships, communication and conflict management skills, regulation strategies for the classroom, and support systems they can utilise.


Please remember that attendance is crucial in optimising learning. Use Compass to communicate any absences. Regular or prolonged absence has a negative impact on learning.




A reminder that in line with NSW Department of Education policy students in years 7 - 12 are not to have mobile phones or smart watches on their person at school. Please ensure your child has a card or cash if they are to make purchases at the canteen.


I look forward to working with our College community to help provide a safe, supportive and positive learning environment.


 Trish Star 

 Leader of Student Wellbeing and Pastoral Care