Faith Formation and Mission

“Find new ways to spread the word of God to every corner

Of the world”

Pope Francis


Welcome back to a fresh New Year Marian!


I hope that you all had a great break and rejuvenated your Marian spirit. It’s great to see our College come back to life and begin what surely will be a big year. This year in relation to our Evangelisation and Religious Education Domain of the College Annual Improvement Plan, we have embedded a multitude of opportunities for students to reconnect with their Faith and Service at Marian Catholic College.


With an emphasis on student service participation this year, we look to acknowledge and begin to prepare for some of our first significant College events. In Term 1, we have Ash Wednesday Mass, Harmony Day and our first annual mission fundraiser for Project Compassion - Caritas kick start our year. In the coming week, students will receive more information on how they can participate in our annual Harmony Day festivities. There will be a big push for Homerooms to get around and support the fundraising for Project Compassion - Caritas.


An element that we are looking to reconnect our students with is living a life of prayer. This is something that we will be working to incorporate into all key learning areas of the College. Essentially we are wanting students to feel that authentic connection with our Catholic faith and spirituality. 


Marian Catholic College was built on the founding principles of serving the community and giving back to those who are less fortunate and that are in need. For inspiration, we look to our dual Charisms of the College. The Marist Brothers and Mercy Sisters are always looked to for inspiration as they demonstrate discipleship and living a life as God intended … A life of LOVE! 


Ash Wednesday is our first Mass of the College calendar. The first day of Lent is Ash Wednesday. On this special day of reflection, Catholics wear a marking of the cross in ash on their foreheads. The ashes symbolise our mortality – “Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.” But you might be wondering, where do the ashes for Ash Wednesday come from?


Usually, the Ash Wednesday ashes are created by burning palms from the previous year’s Palm Sunday celebration. Palm Sunday is the last Sunday of Lent and leads into Holy Week. It is on this day that people laid palms to cover Jesus’s path as he arrived in Jerusalem, just days before he was crucified.


Since the palms have been blessed, instead of throwing them away after the celebration, they are saved to create ashes for Ash Wednesday. Sometimes, the ashes are scented with incense and christened by holy water.


This year we would like to try and support all members of the College community by reminding you of certain Mass etiquette particularly during Communion. 



A really good resource that was shared to us here at the College is the following link:


This will provide you with more information on what to do during Communion. 


We hope that you have an amazing 2024, let's look to make this year one of the best yet. 


Evangelisation and Religious Education events:

  • Ash Wednesday
    • Date: 14th of Feb
    • Period: 4
  • Morning Mass
    • Recommence: 21st of Feb
    • Time: 8:40 am start
  • Meditation with Mary
    • Recommence: 20th of Feb - Every Tuesday and Thursday lunch
    • Time: 11:20 am
    • Location: College Chapel


“Never give up on the people you love. 

Never give up from being happy, 

Because life is an incredible show!”

Pope Francis





Mr Abdala

Leader of Faith Formation and Mission