Year 12

The Year 12 Mass on the first day of term was a chance to come together as a cohort and celebrate the start of the final year of secondary school. After the Mass, students were invited to participate in the Signing of the Cross, an annual tradition that is an important part of the Year 12 spiritual journey. It symbolises each student’s commitment to the Class of 2024 and recalls the dignity and respect of each individual. Signing of the Cross also reminds us that each student in Year 12 is an integral part of the College and a valued member of the Oblate community. The cross is hung in the Year 12 area each day throughout the school year.

The step into Year 12 begins an important leader and mentor role for our most senior students. They are role models for the younger students, both in their words and in their actions. To symbolise their commitment to this, the Year 12 students wear Senior badges which were also blessed in our Year 12 Mass and presented to each student. 

The Year 12s were then able to put their mentoring role into action when they spent time with the Year 7 students, helping them to settle into secondary schooling. It was truly heart-warming to see the genuine care and kindness the cohort showed whilst working with the younger boys on tasks such as how to organise their locker, understand the 10 day timetable and how to achieve the perfect tie knot.


The first day of the term concluded with a presentation from the ‘Outside the Locker Room’ organisation. The students heard from experienced facilitators on strategies they can use to navigate the challenges of Year 12, developing resilience and the benefits of a positive mindset heading into the final year. 


Teresa Bulich

Head of Year 12