Principal's News

Dear Parents,


The rhythm of school life is well in place after a hectic start to the school year with interschool swimming sports, swimming programs, sacramental night, information nights and lots of learning taking place in the classrooms. It is at this time during Term One, at the end of February, as it starts to get darker in the morning, that we see some children finding it much more difficult to get moving in the morning. Parents still need to make sure, that even though the children are tired, they attend school each day. This is especially the case with younger children. It is important that sensible bedtimes are enforced for all children.


This week was the last week our Preps had Wednesdays off as they commence full time next week. The Preps have settled into the routine of school life and are already busy with their learning.


I apologise for not producing a newsletter two weeks ago but I was on a few days of leave after my father passed away on 14th February. Dad was nearly 94 and had a terrific life still riding his bike at age 90 but never recovered after a fall three weeks before he died. 


What are the important values you can instil in your child that will bulletproof them for life’s ups and downs? In today’s world are we producing a society that lacks empathy and producing one that is selfish and self-centred? I would hope not. Even small children are capable of showing empathy and I saw this from my three year old granddaughter when my wife’s sister died last year.  My granddaughter saw my wife was upset, hopping up on her knee and snuggled in and asked my wife if she wanted her to sing Jacinta a song, as she sings a song to her friends at daycare when they are sad.  


I believe that empathy is one of the most important traits and fits in well with the values we teach as a Catholic school. Empathy is the ability to be aware of the feelings of others and imagine what it might be like to be in their position (or in their shoes). Empathy is at the heart of what it means to be human. It’s a foundation for acting ethically, for positive friendships and relationships. It is a key to preventing bullying and many other forms of cruelty. It reduces conflict and misunderstandings and leads to helping behaviour, and  kindness. Empathy is a key ingredient to a successful and fulfilled life.


Empathy begins with the capacity to take another perspective, to walk in another’s shoes. At St Mary's, empathy is something that is taught through our Social and Emotional Learning . This teaching ties in extremely well with our Religious Education program, especially our Social Justice initiatives. A child who displays empathy usually is much happier within themselves and has stronger relationships with their peers. 


When children learn to be empathic early in their development, it can lead to much stronger empathy skills later in life as they become adults who treat others with kindness, respect and understanding. Empathic children can become empathic parents, spouses, co-workers and friends. Empathy is not a fixed trait; it can be fostered. It can be encouraged and cultivated by empathic siblings, as well as adults. But empathy does take time to develop.


How can parents cultivate empathy?

Empathise with your child and model empathy for others: Children learn empathy both from watching us and from experiencing our empathy for them. When we empathise with our children they develop trusting, secure attachments with us. Those attachments are key to their wanting to adopt our values and to model our behaviour, and therefore to building their empathy for others. Empathising with our children takes many forms, including tuning in to their physical and emotional needs, understanding and respecting their individual personalities, taking a genuine interest in their lives, and guiding them toward activities that reflect an understanding of the kind of people they are and the things they enjoy. Children also learn empathy by watching those we notice and appreciate. They’ll notice if we treat a waiter in a restaurant as if they’re invisible and are condescending. On the positive side, they’ll notice if we welcome a new family to our school or express concern about another child in our child’s class who is experiencing one challenge or another.


Make caring for others a priority and set high ethical expectations: If children are to value others’ perspectives and show compassion for them, it’s very important that they hear from their parents that caring about others is a top priority, and that it is just as important as their own happiness. Even though most parents say that raising caring children is a top priority, often children aren't hearing that message.


Provide opportunities for children to practise empathy: Children are born with the capacity for empathy, but it needs to be nurtured throughout their lives. Learning empathy is in certain respects like learning a language or a sport. It requires practice.


Year 6 Leaders for 2024

Congratulations to the Year 6 leaders for 2024. The children prepared and presented a speech in front to the children in Years 4-6. Despite nerves they did a wonderful job and all Year 6 children have been elected to a leadership group. Each group will meet regularly with a teacher who will look after that group where they will plan initiatives for the school. Thank you to Sam Sullivan and Max Reid for the work they did with the children to prepare the children. 


School Captains

Lachlan Turner

Matilda Worn

Friendship Captains

Sienna Whyte

Willem Miserus

Social Justice Captains

Sean Moore

Tessa Thompson

Kendrick Echavez

Charlotte Tuck

Ella D’Abate

Irena Crumley

Bella Jackson

Sports Captains

Ava Ronchi

Chad Vaz

Lucas Fourtzis

Angus Allen

Thomas Edwards

Lucy Dolan

Liam Tighe

Alice Roberts

Arts Captains

Zach Burger

Alex Vlahos

Jojo McDermott

Quinn Murphy

Jimmy Herron

Cairo Pretorius

Environment Captains

Angus Feore

Edgar Quinn

Lily Jennings

Sofia Laughlin

James Moore

STEM Captains

Ben Maslen

Tomas Tickner

Lucas Bolanos-Bulla




2025 Prep Enrolments and Open Day

Enrolments are now open for Prep 2025. If you have a sibling enrolment for next year please complete an enrolment form asap and provide it to Renae in the office. You can download a form from our website you can collect one from the school office. Word of mouth is a powerful thing, so please spread the message about our wonderful school! Particularly if you are connected to a local kinder or ELC. 


On Wednesday 5th March our school will hold its first Open Day for the year. This is a chance for parents who will have school age children in the next couple of years a chance to tour our school and hear about the programs in place at St Mary’s. The Year 6 students will lead the tours. 

2024 School Production

In recent weeks the children have been abuzz with excitement, after Ms Del Castillo (Performing Arts Teacher) announced the School Production will be Frozen Jnr in 2024. It should come as no surprise that our students (and staff) are very much looking forward to the opportunity to perform on stage with their peers and be swept up in the fun and excitement that is the whole school production.


Yesterday, the Year 5 and 6 students had the chance to audition for lead roles. This will be followed up by a further audition next week. I had the chance to sit in on these auditions and I was proud of the way the children performed despite many being very nervous. All students at St Mary’s will be on stage during the performances, singing and dancing, and actively involved throughout the whole rehearsal process.


We wish the senior students the best of luck with their auditions, as it can often be this first step that is the most daunting. Throughout the whole process, they are so well coached and supported by the staff, and it is amazing to watch them flourish in their role as the year progresses. In the meantime, we will all do our very best to contain Mrs Del Castillo’s excitement! The dates will be finalised in the next couple of weeks. 


Naplan testing for Years 3 and 5 will take place from Wednesday 13th. All children in Years 3, 5, 7 and 9 complete the testing on those days. There are five tests spread over the days with Reading, Writing, Grammar and Punctuation, Spelling and Mathematics completed. All testing except Year 3 Writing is completed online. It is important that our Year 3 and 5 children are here on those days however we can run catch up sessions for those unwell on any of the testing days. All children in years 3 and 5 will need headphones to attach to their ChromeBooks.


The timetable is as follows:

Wednesday 13th March

9:00am Year 3 Writing

10:00am Year 5 Writing

Monday 18th March

9:00am Year 3 Reading

10:00am Year 5 Reading

12:00m Year 3 Grammar and Punctuations and Spelling

1:00pm Year 5 Grammar and Punctuations and Spelling

Tuesday 19th March

9:00am Year 3 Mathematics

10:00am Year 5 Mathematics


District Swimming Sports

Congratulations to our swim team who competed in the District Swimming Championships and finished second out of nine schools. This is the first time our school has finished in the top three for a number of years. We have a number of children who have qualified for the Division Championships next Friday. Thank you to Sam Sullivan for her organisation of the children with this event and also to the parents who assisted Sam and also came along to support the swimmers. The following students have qualified for the Division Championships:


Henry D, Issy M, Elliot D, Pablo B, Lachlan D, Lucas B and Lucy D 


School Photos

School Photos are booked for Thursday 14th March. Please send your child to school in their full summer uniform. Year 6 students will need to also wear their rugby jumpers. If your child has their Sport lesson on this day, please pack their runners in their school bag and they will be given time to change their shoes. 



Parent Teacher Interviews

A reminder that on Wednesday 6th March school will finish at 1:00pm to allow parents to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss how best to bring out the best in your child this year. Interviews will last for 10 minutes and we ask that parents arrive on time. Interviews can be booked on using the code: dkyfs


Tony McMahon
