Art /Cultural/ Music / PE & Health/Library 

Specialist News 


Visual Arts

Welcome back, it has been great to see all our students back at school. 

In Visual Arts this week, students focused on the art elements of line and shape, where they decorated and gave a personal touch to their front cover of their Visual Arts & Mindfulness book. All students were given the opportunity to practise drawing a portrait of themselves. They then began to draw another portrait but with a twist - Year 1/2 students drew a half portrait style, by drawing half a face, and making it go off the paper, giving plenty of room to draw big facial features. Year 3/4 students drew a portrait using the cubism style, by drawing half a profile (side view) and half a front view. Foundation students were able to use a whiteboard to follow teacher directed instructions to create a picture. They then began to draw a picture of themselves, which they will cut it out next lesson and glue it onto their created piece of water coloured painted paper. 






Interschool Sport 2024 

Le Page PS v Southmoor PS 





Welcome back to another year of our amazing library! Hopefully, everybody had relaxing, sunny and restful summer holidays.


Applications to become a library leader were open all of last and this week until Wednesday. On Thursday, interviews were held and we now have an amazing library team together again. 


The library team will meet every week on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, and again take on tasks like organising and stickering books, decorating the space, and hosting special events for the Scholastic Book Fairs, Simultaneous Story Time and Book Week.


Keep an eye out on compass and on this newsletter for updates.


Have a lovely weekend, and keep on reading!



