Parent Payments 2024

Our School Council is proud of the quality of the facilities and resources available for our students to enjoy and few schools match the numerous programs that we offer to cater for student’s needs. At Essex Heights, the continuous improvement of student learning and the children’s continued health and wellbeing is central to everything we do. In 2024, we look forward to another great year of teaching and learning. With this in mind, we would like to advise you of the EHPS voluntary financial contributions for 2024.

Schools provide students with free instruction to fulfil the standard Victorian curriculum and we want to assure you that all contributions are voluntary. Nevertheless, the ongoing support of our families ensures that our school can provide classroom bulk supplies, as well as offer rich and extensive programs outside of the traditional teaching and learning structure. These financial contributions assist us with the purchasing of the resources for our exemplary specialist programs of Art/ArtSEL, Music, Science, Indonesian and Health & Physical Education, as well as the maintenance and upgrade of our facilities and grounds e.g. classrooms, playgrounds and school oval.

Other programs that we can offer because of your contributions include the provision and upkeep of our computer devices, e.g. purchase of new laptops, maintenance of extensive sets of books for reading, provision of mathematical resources in every classroom, year level choirs and effective first aid for all students.

For 2024, in recognition of the difficult financial landscape, School Council has decided to keep all parental contributions at the same amount as 2023.

We want to thank you for your support, whether that is through fundraising or volunteering your time. This has made a huge difference to our school and the programs we can offer.

All EHPS families were notified this week via Compass email of the Parent Payments for 2024, including a breakdown of the requested contributions, payment instructions and options, and the Department of Education Parent Payments Policy overview. 


George Perini



Jen Bittner

School Council President