Extra Curricular Activities

Sports-X Programs - Soccer & Basketball

Soccer-X on Monday

Sports-X is facilitating a Soccer Program in Term 1 for Prep to Year 6 students after school on Monday on the School Oval (or the gymnasium in the Stadium if the weather does not permit being outdoors). There are two options to choose from:  

  • standard program from 3.30pm to 4.30pm, or 
  • the extra program from 3.30pm to 5pm that includes 30 minutes of matches. 

The seven session program runs from Monday 5 February (week two) to Monday 25 March (week nine); note there is no program on the Labour Day public holiday on Monday 11 March. 

Register online for the Soccer X after school program on the Sports-X website:  

Please email your child's teacher to advise attendance at the after school soccer after registration is confirmed to ensure your child is directed to the school oval on Monday afternoons.


Basketball-X on Friday 

Sports-X is facilitating a Basketball X Program in Term 1 for Prep to Year 6 students after school on Friday from 3.40pm to 4.40pm in the Stadium gymnasium (or on the outdoor basketball courts if weather permits). The seven session program runs from Friday 9 February (week two) to Friday 22 March (week eight). 

Register online for the Basketball X after school program on the Sports-X website:  

Please email your child's teacher to advise attendance at after school basketball after registration is confirmed to ensure your child is directed to the Stadium gymnasium on Friday afternoons.


If your child will be attending After School Care after the soccer or basketball programs, you must advise Sports-X and Paul Davis, our OSHC Coordinator.

Contact Nate, the Sports-X Area Manager, if you have any queries - email semel@sports-x.com.au

Chess Club 

Chess Club for Years 1 to 6 (not Prep) students will run in Term 1 on Wednesday from 3.40pm to 4.40pm. Tutors are from Chess Ideas. 

The Term 1 program runs from Wednesday 7 February (week two) to Wednesday 20 March (week eight). Students are assessed and placed in the appropriate group for their skill level - Beginner (Level 1), Beginner can play (Level 2), Intermediate 1 (Level 3), Intermediate 2 (Level 4), or Advanced (Level 5). 

Meldeen Pratiwi, our Chess Coordinator, will contact families when registration is confirmed to advise location of the allocated Chess Club group, and where to collect your child at the end of each session. 

If your child needs to attend After School Care after Chess Club, you must advise Chess Ideas and notify Paul Davis at the OSHC program. 

Coding Club

Our new Coding Club is for Years 2 to 6 students only, and the seven week program will run on Tuesday lunchtimes from 1.30pm to 2.30pm, commencing on 13 February. Students will use school devices which they'll bring from their classroom, with their lunch, to the Hall. 

Code Camp allows kids to hone their coding skills and keep practising through weekly sessions over the term! Students will produce multiple games and apps using our exciting online platform Code Camp World! We have made Code Camp World as accessible as possible so students can truly focus on the fun aspects of coding and carry on their journey at home. Each week students will choose the features they want to build, and advance their problem-solving skills to build these features using code. They will take ownership over their projects and collaborate with their peers to make awesome apps!


Code Camp understand the challenge parents face when choosing after-school activities for their kids. So EHPS students aged 7+ are invited to attend a complimentary coding lesson hosted by an experienced Code Camp facilitator. 

In this live online one-hour guided lesson, students will experience the fun and creativity of coding an arcade-style game within our bespoke learning platform, Code Camp World. We have a range of days and times outside of school hours starting Monday 12 February.

Click below to access a flyer with all the information plus a sign-up link for our website.