
Be part of the change ...

Summer Community Crew

We value the time, care and effort of our wonderful volunteers who with the help of their adults, took on the responsibility of running the Sustainability Hub over the Summer holidays.

You are VALUED and TALENTED!! Many thanks.

Parents/Carers - please see Marita Steward if you are interested in helping in the Sustainability Hub during the week, over the weekends or even throughout the next holidays. 

Sustainability Hub

Welcome to a new year, we hope to have all our programs back up and running in 2024, including a yellow lid recycling bin roster and a green lid compost roster!!

Please see the School Office if you can help putting the bins out on a Sunday evening. The Council prefers these bins to not be out any earlier, as they can be filled illegally or can fall over, creating a huge litter problem. 

If anyone has a free hour during the week, the orchard always appreciates some weeding and watering. Please see Marita Steward if you plan to spend any time in the Sustainability Hub. 

Over Summer, we said goodbye to Pom Pom, she was honored with prayers of gratitude for all her time spent with us. Almond and Midnight continue to blossom and delight the children.

Pom Pom
Pom Pom

It feels like only yesterday that we welcomed our new chickens to Essex Heights. Below is the original article introducing the girls: 

Our most exciting news is also the cutest! We have recently purchased four almost brand new chooks. For this new adventure we have chosen pure bred chickens. The species we have chosen will not lay every day and also have ‘time off’ during the colder months. This non laying period allows the chicken’s reproductive system to rest and repair. We now have two Asian Silkies and two Dutch Barnevelders. They are docile breeds who are spending time in their coupe getting to know each other and the friendly faces of the children. We ask that students do not poke the chickens through the fence-the chickens do not like it.