Defence Mentor News

The countdown is on for our Defence Captain and schoolhouse captain, Georgia & Charlotte Donnelly who have been selected as torch bearers for The Legacy Centenary Torch Relay 2023 .

They will both have the honour of carrying the torch on Thursday September 21, in Bendigo. 

Max Lloyd testing out his skill and helping in the library
Max Lloyd testing out his skill and helping in the library

As of next Monday, every week we will have a guest defence student read to our primary     co-hort. 

Pictured is Ella Mackay reading with Anzac Ted to our 1/2 class. 


Dad Joke Competition

ADF members and families in Victoria and Tasmania are invited to enter DMFS’ online ‘Dad Joke Competition’. Find an object in or around your home to use as inspiration and share your best (or worst) joke or pun.

Click below for details on how to participate and submit your entry today!

Entries due by 5.00pm Saturday, 30th September 2023.Please keep the jokes family friendly. All ages are encouraged to enter. Lots of prizes to be won.


Defence Family Blacksmithing Program

Support to Defence Families with Special Needs

Purple Poppy Project 2023