Principal's Report

Did you know?

  • Patterns of late arrival at school or missing classes are early warning signs of disengagement from school
  • Missing one day of school each week adds up to 2 months missed over a year
  • Each day of absence has an impact on skill development and social connections
  • Poor attendance may be associated with future unemployment, criminal activity, substance abuse, and poorer health and life expectancy.

One of the most valuable habits that we can develop in our children is attending school regularly. I have noticed in looking at our school data that the highest absence rates occur on Mondays and Fridays. There could be various reasons why this occurs, but we need to be aware of how these days add up and detract from learning. It is important to let us know at school if there are issues surrounding your child attending school so we can work through it together. Below, I have attached useful websites and support article from the Department of Education.


Useful websites/contacts

Department of Education and Training


Youth Beyond

Reach Out –

Raising Children 

Kids helpline - 1800 55 1800 24 hours a day, 7 days a week or web counselling 

Parentline – 1300 30 1300 (8 am to 10 pm seven days a week) & web counselling Tuesdays and Thursdays between 11 am and 2 pm