Group 16

We have been very busy in Group 16 this term. We have been on 'Bear Hunts', we have been scientists, chefs, gardeners, postmen, astronauts and so much more!
Students have been working hard exploring our Books of Focus, creating maps, character art, sequencing events from our stories, recording meals for the Hungry Caterpillar and sharing shinny scales with our Rainbow fish friends.
Science has been a highlight for many in Group 16. We have been enjoying exploring our 5 senses through our experiments, making slime, building marshmallow sculptures, mixing up sherbet and building popsicle stick catapults.
It is wonderful watching our students' confidence grow this year. Group 16 have demonstrated many achievements in their increasing independence both in their learning, social engagements with others and transitions around our learning environment.
We are extremely proud of you all and of all the incredible achievements made group 16! We can’t wait to see where our learning will take us as the year progresses.
Chelsie and Jenny