Book Week

Book Week 2023 was a fantastic event centred around the theme of "Read, Grow, Inspire." This week’s activities began with an engaging virtual performance of one of this year’s shortlisted books, "Jorn's Magnificent Imagination." On Tuesday, Lindy captivated students during story time in our brand new library. It was a special experience for many students who visited the library for the first time. Throughout the week, we hosted two competitions. Krish won the "Design Your Own Book Cover" contest, with an impressive 20 notable awards. The "Story Writing" competition was won by Hunter, who received numerous accolades for his exceptional writing. To conclude Book Week, we celebrated with a lively parade held right in our library.
Music and Book Week
Music and Reading is a magic mix!
“… an office with all my books and music - ta da! …”
Mitch Albom