Principal News
We have been enjoying some great celebrations at Banyan Fields over the last few weeks. We had a great number of families attend for our Book Week parade where students and staff were encouraged to dress up as a book character or something related to reading. A real highlight for me was speaking with students about their costumes and the reason for their dress up choice, the books that they love to read and who they love reading with.
I would like to thank Ms Jacqui Rogers for hosting our parade. I would also like to thank Marg, Mrs Mac and Catherine W for their work co ordinating the book fair that was very well attended this year.
On Friday 25 August we celebrated Wear it Purple Day. Students and staff were invited to wear a touch of purple and participated in a big picnic to mark mark this day. We celebrate this day as it encourages us to show our solidarity with the LGBTIQ+ community. It's an opportunity to demonstrate our commitment to fostering acceptance, respect and understanding as part of our inclusive community. I would like to thank Ms Jayde Blackburn and Bella Walker for coordinating the events on the day.