Notice to all parents and students...
In 2024 Chilwell will have a new school uniform! There will be more information in Term 4 regarding when this uniform will be available for order.
Please note in 2024 we will no longer be able to offer purchase of uniform from the office, you will need to order from Noone Imagewear at 162 Moorabool St. This is where most schools in Geelong source their uniforms from. School bags and reader satchels will still be available for purchase at the office, however please note that school hats are no longer available.
Lost Property...
All parents and students please be aware that our lost property will be changing locations for Term 4. The items in the lost property are to be thrown away if not collected before the end of this term, however any school uniform items will be moved to the new lost property.
If you wish to collect a lost item before they get thrown away, you can find them on top of the old lost property cupboard as pictured above. Our new lost property, pictured below, will be located in the cupboard outside of the performing arts room. If you have any concerns or inquiries moving forward, please don't hesitate to visit the office.