Student Achievements

Australian History Competition Awards 2023
In May this year, History students from Years 7 and 10 participated in the annual Australian History Competition (AHC). Student involvement at Endeavour has remained strong. Participants had to complete fifty challenging multiple-choice questions in 45 minutes. The questions addressed historical knowledge by utilising source analysis skills and were graded from easy to difficult.
Participation in this competition is voluntary. Twenty-nine Year 10 students chose to be involved, as did twenty-nine Year 7s.
I am incredibly pleased to report that half of the participants achieved highly in the competition and received the following awards:
YEAR 10:
Merits: Kynan Herne, Micah Kretschmer, Bailey Rowe, Riva Uppal, Jacob Urlichs, Arsany Youhanna.
Credits: Ethan Amaro, Kaitlin Houlahan, Thomas Huynh, Nathan Magee, Kadison McLellan, Luke Pegoli, Xenia Salupalu, Naomi Schubert, Liam Williams.
Distinction: Alby Bradshaw, Flynn Carr, Tyler Nuske.
High Distinction: Mathew Bates.
Merits: Nathan Banavong, Diljot Dhaliwal, Asher Herne, Aiden Huynh, Caleb Tran.
Credits: Ashton Beagley, Hayson Cheng, Bailee Henderson, Chloe Lambden, Charlie Perryman.
Distinction: Ethan Albrecht.
The involvement of so many students in the AHC reflects the excellent work being done by our teaching staff to enthuse students in their studies of History. It demonstrates that they are progressing strongly in building their historical skills and knowledge.
Congratulations to the students who achieved highly in the AHC this year. They were recognised for their success at a recent school assemblies and year level meetings. All other entrants received Participation certificates via their Care Groups.
We look forward to our continued involvement in this worthwhile competition in 2024.
Year 7 AHC Award Winners ^
Year 10 AHC Award Winners ^
David Thiele
History Learning Leader
SACSA Netball
The weather put on a show, as did the netball during the SACSA 2-day carnival where Endeavour took part. We had 7 teams participating and they achieved some wonderful outcomes. Our 9/10 Girls Gold team won the bronze medal, while the 7/8 Girls Silver team secured the silver medal. All our teams played well and showed good sportsmanship. The student coaches did a fantastic job in the preparations, from picking teams to setting up game strategies.
A big thanks to our teachers for making it possible for these teams to join the competition.
You can find the complete results below:
7/8 Girls Gold – 5th
7/8 Girls Silver – 2nd
7/8 Boys Gold – 5th
7/8 Boys Silver – 9th
9/10 Girls Gold – 3rd
9/10 Girls Silver – 8th
9/10 Boys Gold – 13th
Yr 7/8 Netball photos ^
Yr 9/10 Netball photo ^
Scott Charlton
Sports Coordinator
Since the last preliminary round on August 17, the scores were counted and fortunately, teams 9 Orange and Blue made it into the finals! The quarter final for the 2023 debating season took place on Thursday August 31st at Nazareth Catholic College, Flinders Park with both teams debating in the affirmative the topic "That "Influencers" are detrimental to society."
After an intense two weeks of writing speeches and preparing endless rebuttals, 9 Blue debated against St Aloysius College and 9 Orange debated against Pembroke School. After two incredibly close debates against strong competition, I am very happy to report that both teams have made it through to the semi-finals, with Alex Fechner taking home her third Best Speaker Award in a row!
All teams should be incredibly proud of how far they have come and while the next debate is only a week away, both teams proceed to the semi-finals with continually improving presentation, argument and teamwork skills.
The semi-finals will take place at Nazareth Catholic College, Flinders Park at 7:30pm. Best of luck to 9 Blue and Orange for the next week - your coaches and your fellow debaters are all very proud of you!
The topic for the semi-final is “That New Zealand should become the 7th state of the Commonwealth of Australia.”
Anthony Bonini
Debating Coordinator