P&C News

P&C President's Report
Dear Boambee Community,
Coming up is our Father's Day Stall. We are selling a variety of presents for all carers/loved ones and of course Fathers. There will be a $5 gift table and a $7 gift table. Students can buy a gift from either table. They can buy up to two presents on the day - one from each table for a total of $10 or two from the $5 table for $10. More gifts can be purchased on the Friday for those who were away or would like to buy extra.
We hope you can support the P&C in raising money for new technology devices in Stage 2.
In week 9 we will be holding our famous Disco. Please look out on Seesaw and in the Newsletter for more information. We hope everyone has a wonderful weekend.
Tasanee Alam
P&C President