Around the School

VET Update
What has been happening in the VET space this week?
Last week I had the honour of participating in the National Worldskills competition as the Chief Judge for VET in Schools Tourism. This competition showcased 55 different trades covering both students studying a VET (Vocational Education and Training) subject in school and those who are in an apprenticeship or at TAFE post-schooling. Australia is suffering from a skills shortage at the moment and walking around witnessing the level of skill demonstrated by our young people, many of whom have found their dream occupation, made me very proud to be a teacher in the VET sector, as well as the importance of encouraging young people to pursue their interests and passions in a variety of ways.
Also encouraging our students to learn about industry and different opportunities in the workplace were the work placement experiences our Year 10 Construction students had recently. We had student working with a variety of local and not so local businesses learning about different aspects of construction.
One student worked for Bolton Constructions in Melbourne, with the employer being so impressed with her work ethic that they said they would take her on as an apprentice, if that is what she wanted to do.
Another student worked for Hartley Building Co, where they worked alongside Moama Anglican Grammar Alumni and Campaspe LLLEN VET Student of the Year 2022, Christian Corso.
We had other students work for
- Murray River Plumbing Services
- AV Builders
- Eagleview Kitches and Joinery Pty Ltd
- Veitch Electical
- Earthworks Civil and Construction
Thank you to these companies for hosting and inspiring our students over the week of their work placement.
As the subject selection process is being finalised for next year there are a number of skills-related TAFE courses available to students at Moama Anglican Grammar. Courses which I would recommend to students who have an interest in developing skills for some of what is anticipated to be the top 20 fastest growing areas of employment are the TAFE Launchpad courses. TAFE Launchpad was launched last year and is a combination of online learning and practical learning. Students have a 2-3 hour lesson via Teams with the TAFE teacher once a week and then attend a TAFE for practical hands on experience 1 week a term, for those courses that benefit from this hands on learning. Course range from computing type courses like Cybersecurity, Web design, Game design, Robotics, Allied Health, Real Estate and Auto-mechanics, among others.
If you are interested in looking into one of these course please see the link to the Launchpad website and speak to me if you are interested in applying for a spot. Applications are now open and will remain so for the remainder of the term.
Kim McFadden
Head of VET