From the Principal

Going Above and Beyond to provide CHOICE and OPPORTUNITY for our Students
Schools are extremely dynamic and busy places. In any given week students from Kindergarten to Year 12 grow and learn through participation in a myriad of diverse learning experiences such as their academic and pastoral program, excursions, camps, co-curricular and extra-curricular opportunities, lunch time events and/or extension learning programs.
Access to such programs and opportunities enables a broad, balanced, and holistic education focused on development of the whole child and a personalised learning program tailored to student passion and interest.
Behind each of these opportunities are highly talented, committed, passionate and dedicated staff who continue to go above and beyond to provide choice and pathway opportunities for our students.
In the past three weeks we have had student participation in Science Week, our Primary Book Week Character Parade, representation at the National Drumline Competition, representation in Sporting competitions, representation at the Ecumenical Schools Australia Year 11 Student Leadership Forum, 2024 School Captaincy speeches, Tournament of the Mind preparations and HSC trial Examinations – to name but a few examples.
I take this opportunity to recognise and thank our staff at Moama Anglican Grammar for all that they do, ‘seen and unseen’, to provide such enriching learning experiences for our students. I also thank our parent volunteers and helpers for their support of such experiences.
Scott Downward