Year 3

CERES Excursion

Year 3 visited the CERES Community Environment Park in Brunswick East on Tuesday 2 August. This term we undertook our 'Australia's First People' unit, and this excursion added to students depth of knowledge and increased their understanding of Indigenous Culture and Traditions. 

I liked touching and experimenting with the Ochre and paint.   Tildy D


Tasting the bushfood was fun and we just picked some to try.   Anaaya G


The Tiddalick play was super fun and I got to be a kangaroo and have a pouch and wear a tail. The Aboriginal clap sticks made some music.   Nika D 


I painted the symbol for rain on my arm with white ochre paint.    Reece


The meditation near Merri Merri creek made me feel relaxed.  Merri Merri means rocky rocky.   Amiya 


It was really interesting learning about how sacred and special the ochre rock is to Indigenous culture. The Maramook game with the ball made out of possum skin was really fun, it can last for days.   Mira