Book Week 2023

What a fantastic week we had celebrating Book Week from Monday 21 to Friday 25 August. We celebrated reading, literacy, and some wonderful new books, including the visit from Andy Griffiths on Tuesday and our dress up day on Wednesday. Andy gave us some insights into his new Treehouse book that is coming out soon, and students were delighted to have Andy sign their favourite Andy Griffiths book. On Wednesday the school was bursting with fabulous costumes, including lots of Where's Wally characters! Students delighted in finding Wally all around the school in a Where's Wally scavenger hunt on their play breaks during the day. We shared the Book Week reflections of 1O students in the last issue of Contact. 

Thanks for the support from the school community of our annual Book Fair that ran in our Library from Monday to Wednesday in Book Week. We hope your children are enjoying their purchases. Thank you to the parents who volunteered to help at Book Fair - your assistance was greatly appreciated. The Scholastic Book Fair provides rewards to our school from the purchases made, and we look forward to having some lovely new books in our Library soon.

Following are some of our wonderful memories from our Book Week celebrations this year: