After School Activities

Sports-X Programs - Soccer & Basketball

Soccer-X on Monday

The Term 3 after school soccer program concluded last Monday.


Sports-X is facilitating a Soccer Program in Term 4 for Prep to Year 6 students after school on Monday from 3.30pm to 4.30pm on the School Oval (or the gymnasium in the Stadium if the weather does not permit being outdoors). The ten session program will run from Monday 9 October (week two) to Monday 18 December (week twelve). Please note that the soccer program will run on Monday 6 November (student-free day); if unable to attend a one session credit will be offered. 

Register online for the Soccer X after school program on the Sports-X website:  

Please email your child's teacher to advise attendance at the after school soccer after registration is confirmed to ensure your child is directed to the school oval on Monday afternoons.

If your child will be attending After School Care after the soccer program, you must advise Sports-X and Paul Davis, our OSHC Coordinator.

Contact Nate, the Sports-X Area Manager, if you have any queries - email


Basketball-X on Friday 

The Term 3 after school basketball program concluded today with an early session to accommodate the early dismissal at the end of term. 


Sports-X is facilitating a Basketball X Program in Term 4 for Prep to Year 6 students after school on Friday from 3.40pm to 4.40pm in the Stadium gymnasium (or on the outdoor basketball courts if weather permits). The nine session program will run from Friday 13 October (week two) to Friday 8 December (week ten). Please note that the program will run on Friday 3 November (professional practice day for staff and students do not attend school); a one session credit will be offered if unable to attend. 

Register online for the Basketball X after school program on the Sports-X website:  

Note: on publication of this newsletter, the after school basketball program is full; no further registrations can be taken. 

Please email your child's teacher to advise attendance at after school basketball after registration is confirmed to ensure your child is directed to the Stadium gymnasium on Friday afternoons.

If your child will be attending After School Care after the soccer program, you must advise Sports-X and Paul Davis, our OSHC Coordinator.

Contact Nate, the Sports-X Area Manager, if you have any queries - email

Cricket Blast

Cricket Victoria is facilitating a four session after school cricket program in Term 4. The EHPS Woolworths Cricket Blast Multicultural Cricket Program will run on Tuesdays from 3.45pm to 4.45pm on 10, 17, 24 and 31 October on the school oval (or Stadium gymnasium if there is wet weather). 

The program is free to participate, but students must register using the QR Code on the attached flyer. Please also refer to the attached Play HQ instructions when registering; included are details to linking ID’s for existing junior cricketers.

Please email your child's teacher after registration is confirmed to advise your child's attendance at after school cricket to ensure they are directed to the school oval on the four Tuesday afternoons in October.

If your child will be attending After School Care after the cricket program, you must advise Paul Davis, our OSHC Coordinator.

Chess Club 

The Term 3 Chess Club concluded last Wednesday.


Chess Club for Years 1 to 6 (not Prep) students will run in Term 4 on Wednesday from 3.40pm to 4.40pm. Tutors are from Chess Ideas. 

The Term 4 program runs from Wednesday 4 October to Wednesday 13 December. Students are assessed and placed in the appropriate group for their skill level - Beginner, Beginner can play, Intermediate or Advanced. 

Places for Term 4 are limited. Register early to secure a place:

All families of students registered for Chess Club Term 4 will receive a message from Meldeen Pratiwi (Chess Club coordinator and 4P teacher) to confirm which group their child is in and the location the group will meet. 

Please follow up with Chess Ideas if you have not received confirmation of your child's registration.

Contact Meldeen if you have any queries about after school Chess Club.