News of the Week

Dear Parents/Carers,
This term has been jam packed! Here is a quick overview of what has occured in the last two weeks at St Brigid's.
By the Sports Leaders (Seb, Xavier, Levi, Tabitha, Isla and Maria)
Welcome to Trisha Harrington
We would like to give Trisha - our new Crossing Supervisor on Chute Street a very warm welcome to St Brigid's. Please be sure to say hello to Trisha.
Tim Ricardson - Local Member of Parliament
by Isla and Maria
On Tuesday we were lucky enough to talk and listen to Tim Richardson. First he started talking about what he did for a living and what changes he would like to make, he also informed us what gave him the passion to start his job and how much he loves his job. We were also privileged to ask Tim some questions about what he said, he answered the questions really well and we finished the incursion with all of our questions answered and some information about the political community.
Year 6 Commitment Mass
by Xavier
There were numerous masses for the children who are doing their Confirmation this year. We had to wear blue sashes to let the Parish know we are making a Sacrament. Father Ignatius led the Mass for us. Confirmation is a sacrament that you do at the end of your primary school as part of your catholic journey. When you get baptised your parents make promises to God and in Confirmation you confirm those promises.
Year 6 Kids View Incursion- Bahay Tuluyan Philippines Australia
by Isla
What amazed you?
How did it make you feel?
What changes or actions has this made you think of making?
Ruby - That so many people struggle with money and being able to afford a good education and a good life experience in general. It made me feel sympathetic for the people around the world struggling to have a good life. It’s made me realise that sometimes I take things for granted without realising the value it has. Also it made me realise how lucky we are to afford things and not struggle or worry about money.
Declan - Some things that amazed me were how people had to throw their school uniform over the fence and share it with their friends or family to be able to learn and get into school. It made me feel lucky because some people struggle to get a good education and their living situation is also very different from ours. Some actions it has made me think of is to stop overusing and wasting things like food, water and electricity.
Viola - How people have higher value than others and people don’t realise how much they are over wasting, It makes me feel bad because of how much more value people have over others, I would like to take the action of using nude food and not wasting plastic for anything unnecessary.
Please see the website by clicking on the image for further information
Year 5 Legally Blonde
by Tabitha and Xavier
Our Year 5's were invited by Kilbreda to attend their Legally Blonde production. We walked down to Mordialloc train station and went to Kilbreda. Then we ate our fruit snacks. When we were finished we went to the performance area which was the stage. There we watched Legally Blonde. It was about a girl called Al who liked a boy named Emmett. She travelled to a university called Harvard where he went and proved to him that she was serious and that she wanted to become a lawyer. Then she realised that there was a guy much nicer than Emmett. Overall it was such a great experience and was lots of fun.
Year 4 LitSTEM
by Maria and Levi
What was your favourite thing to do at LitSTEM?
What did you learn?
Christina - My favourite thing to do at LitSTEM was experimenting with different chemicals and chemical elements. We also got to work by ourselves and we watched something being blown up. I learnt that batteries are 0 pH and lots more.
Blake- In LISTEM we learnt about how to make elephant toothpaste and learnt about how to mix chemicals together.
Ava- Mixing two clear chemicals together to make a colour, metal string to make big noise we also learnt about chemicals to make things blow up.
Charlotte - My favourite was making elephant toothpaste and going on the train was a fun experience. I learnt that batteries are 0 pH.
Year 3 Camp Experience
by Maria and Tabitha
What was your favourite thing at the Year 3 camp?
Emerson - Overall the experience was a fun eventful night hanging around friends and laughing, we were also lucky enough to eat hotdogs and we also got to make our own cookies.
Eva- We played lots of fun games and the night was spectacular. We went on a scavenger hunt which was challenging.
Louis- Ate lots of yummy food, played games like mini golf, balloon games and a hunt where you were looking for different objects.
St Bede’s Testing Day
by Levi
Seb 6D
How did you feel beforehand?
I didn’t feel nervous and I felt ready for the test.
How did you feel after it?
When I finished the test I was tired because there were a lot of questions.
What are your top tips for next year's students?
Don’t be nervous because you would know the answer to most of the questions.
Sam 6C
How did you feel beforehand?
I felt nervous because it looked like I was in detention like a movie.
How did you feel after it?
I felt relieved because it wasn’t that hard after all.
What are your top tips for next year's students?
Don’t be scared and just try your best.
Como House Excursion F-2
by Levi and Xavier
Matilda /FR
What did you do?
We had races and got a tour of Como House
What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed playing croquet and washing clothes the old way
Chloe 1/2E
What did you do?
We played old time games and we went to a broken doll mystery.
What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed learning to be a servant.
Mato 1/2 E
What did you do?
We got a tour of the house and we did a sack race.
What did you enjoy the most?
I enjoyed the broken doll mystery.
Family Movie Night
Gold Coin donation Story Dogs to Support Indigenous Literacy Foundation
We are looking forward to our Family Movie Night next Friday 26th. We are going to watch Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. All families are welcome to bring a picnic dinner and a seat.
We are asking for a gold coin donation to support Story Dogs and the Indigenous Literacy Foundation. We are looking forward to seeing as many families as possible.
If you are unable to attend the family movie night but would like to donate please send your donation to the office.
Golden Bin/Recycling award
You get the golden bin award for bringing in non working stationary, batteries, bread tags, and plastic bags. When you bring those in, then the sustainability team will empty them and recycle them at the end of each term. The winner will get 20 minutes free time either inside or outside discussed between the students and teacher.
Thank you
To the Wilton Family who very kindly donated two boxes of soccer balls to the school. Very timely as our interest in soccer has certainly peaked over the last few weeks!!
Running Club
We managed 80 laps
km run = 4km
Total km = 132.1km
We are still on the Hume Fwy/National Hwy passing Avenel.
Important dates for Week 7
Book Week-
Wednesday: Year 4 LitSTEM
Friday: Book Week Parade-first thing
Friday - Assembly 3/4 D
Friday - Family Movie Night 6 pm