Job Opportunities

VAPS has opportunities in paid positions to contribute to the organisation. We also have opportunities to pay people to facilitate a group of students at events. Facilitators should either have completed the VAPS Level 1 training or have experience in facilitating philosophical communities of inquiry. Philosophy students and pre-service teachers are especially encouraged to register interest for a pathyway through VAPS Level 1 training and into facilitating at events.


VAPS pays people in line with the hourly CRT rate for Victorian teachers, which is currently $68.12 per hour. The following opportunities are available:

  • PIPS Event Organiser: 10 Hours per event, $681
  • Resource Development for PIPS Event: Up to 6 Hours per event, $409
  • PIPS Camp Staff: Up to 8 hours per day for the 3 day camp, $1634

VAPS has also applied for grant money to continue to build our philosophy in schools programs. If successful, from 2024 onwards we are hoping to offer the following:

  • VAPS philosophy in schools incursions (new initiative), up to 200 sessions at $100 per hour, $20,000
  • Advertising & Marketing: Up to 40 Hours, $2725


Please contact to express interest.