DET Grant

VAPS has recently been awarded a significant grant from the Department of Education & Training (DET) via the Strategic Partnership Program.
The grant will enable VAPS to extend our PIPS (Philosophy in Public Spaces) school excursion events.
VAPS will now be hosting more PIPS events over the next two years. At present, we have planned our normal suite of events which can be seen in the Events Calendar. We will be adding additional events to our calendar going into 2023.
Additionally, VAPS now has the capacity to subsidise schools' participation based on DET equity categories. Schools who may wish to access subsidised funding to attend a PIPS event in the future can contact the committee and put their name down immediately. We will then be able to contact you ahead of PIPS events. Alternatively, schools who are attending PIPS events can request a subsidy based on one or more of the equity categories. These categories include:
- Koori students
- Students from disadvantaged or low SES backgrounds
- Culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) students
- Students in out of home care
- Students with disability
- Rural and regional students
- Students identified as vulnerable or at risk of disengagement
VAPS is able to support new schools, with free attendance at PIPS events and potentially also travel support depending on circumstances. Criteria can be met on the school level or on the student level - e.g., schools can meet the low SES criteria and therefore have all students subsidised - or - school on the whole may not meet the low SES criteria, but individual students within the school may meet the criteria. Those individual students can be receive subsidies to attend.