VAPS Conference

NOW is the time to purchase your tickets to the VAPS Conference.
- We will also close off any presentation proposals on 15 September. Please submit your proposal before that date.
- The Conference program will be released in early October once all speakers and presentations are confirmed.
VAPS will host its bienniel conference in 2023 after a successful online-only conference in 2021.
The theme for this year's conference is
Educating for Capabilities: Critical & Creative Thinking, Ethical, Intercultural, Personal, & Social
The conference will have streams focussing on the pedagogy around philosophy in schools, curriculum connections through the capabilities, and a VCE Philosophy stream including exploring some of the new study design for 2025.
We are honoured to have an eminent keynote speaker in the field:
Megan Laverty is Associate Professor of Philosophy and Education at Teachers College, Columbia University. her primary research interests are philosophy of education, moral philosophy, and philosophy with children and adolescents.
Our second keynote will be dedicated to the work of Janette Poulton, with speakers from many different areas who worked with Janette in the Philosophy for Children space.
We are putting out a Call for Presenters to submit proposals to present at the conference:
Tickets for the conference can be purchased here: