Catholic Identity 

Religious Education, Sacramental and Faith Celebration News

School Feast Day

Today we are celebrating our school feast day. But why do we celebrate a school feast day?


In the simplest of ways, a Catholic feast day is any day when we remember and celebrate something or someone important to our faith. The word feast comes from the Latin festes, meaning ‘joy’ and symbolises a time of celebration. The Church has a year of feast days in this sense, partnered together with holy days of obligation, saints’ days and days devoted to expressions of God’s love in the lives of Jesus and his mother, Mary.


During our Mass today we celebrated all of the wonderful blessings we have received from God through our school community. 

Here are some photos of our celebration this morning. Well done and thank you to all those involved in the liturgy - readers, altar servers, choir and those that helped set up and prepare students. It was truly a beautiful Mass. 

Our Lady of the Southern Cross, pray for us!

Voice to Parliament

Earlier this year, the Catholic bishops of Australia invited all of us to engage in the discussion and close reading of the Uluru Statement from the heart. 


Archbishop Peter Comensoli has stated: "My hope is simply that Catholics will be inspired by Jesus to join the hard work of finding constitutional recognition of the voice of First Peoples into our Parliament and that reconciliation will find new energy and witness at this moment in history." 


As the Prime Minister has now confirmed the date of the referendum on an Indigenous Voice to Parliament, it may be beneficial to take some time to read over the bishops' staatement below:

2024 Sacramental Intentions

First Reconciliation 2024 Intentions

In preparation for 2024, we are inviting parents/guardians to indicate that they would like their child to celebrate the Sacrament of First Eucharist in 2024. If you child will be in Year 3 in 2024 and you intend for them to celebrate the sacrament, please complete the Google Form embedded below. 

Marian Grotto and Reflective Garden

Calling for helpers!!

We are planning on building a Marian grotto and reflective garden on the ground of OLSC, to honour Mary, the patron of our school and to provide a special place for students, teachers and our community to gather in prayer and reflection. The above image is indicative of a design we would like to pursue. 


We are calling on any adults in our school community that may have experience in designing, building, concreting, stonework etc. to assist in this project (which is still int he very early developmental phase).


If you have any expertise in a field/trade that would be relevant for this project, we would love to hear from you. Please contact me at:

School Masses 

Here are the dates and times of remaining Masses for 2023:

All Masses will be celebrated in the Sports Centre. Parents and families are invited to these celebrations and we hope to see as many of you as possible attend!


Term 4, Week 4: Prep & 5/6 Mass, Friday 27th October at 2pm

Term 4, Week 7: Whole School Mass, Friday 17th November at 2pm



John Dini

Catholic Identity Leader