Prayer for Times of Doubt

Loving God,

When the seasons in our lives are tough and we are unsure of the

challenges we will face around the corner, may we continue to place

our trust in the plans you have for our lives.

When challenging times make us doubt ourselves or our faith, stay

close to us and continue to guide us in the decisions we make. Grant

us the courage to surrender any fear, anxiety, anger and worry that

doubt brings into our lives by seeking you in prayer.

May we find peace and security in your enduring love, knowing you

have the answers to our prayers in times of uncertainty.

We pray this through Jesus Christ our Lord.


Prayer to Find Meaning in Our Work


Merciful God,

We thank you for the gifts and talents you have given us. Help us to

use them in service to others. Be with us when we feel despondent

in our work and give us the confidence to keep re-discovering the

deeper purpose for which we are called, understanding that this

often comes with change, uncertainty, feelings of discomfort and a

lack of control over the situation.

We trust that all things work for good for those who trust in you.


As term three comes to an end there are a range of assemblies and liturgies to farewell our Year 12 students as they embark on their next adventure. This presents us with the opportunity to give thanks to God for what has been and to pray for these students' future. Change is one of the few constants in modern life and given the rapid speed of change it can also be unsettling. This presents us with an opportunity to turn to God in prayer and to seek guidance and direction. This is especially relevant for our Year 12 students as they are presented now with a wide range of possibilities and a plethora of decisions to make. Put some time aside to pray for guidance when making these decisions, especially the big decisions that can be defining of our lives.


Recently we had a group of Year 10 students attend the Wagga Wagga Show Society annual show to support elderly rest home residents. The students were fantastic ambassadors for the College and interacted superbly with the elderly men and women. The feedback from the organisers was very positive and the students seemed to enjoy spending the time with our older citizens. Small and simple acts of service like this are what we are called to “as we have opportunity, do good to all people” (Galatians 6:10). These acts of service put our faith into action and reaffirm our commitment to honouring the dignity of all human beings.


We have a small group of students currently preparing to receive the Sacraments of Baptism and Eucharist which will take place in Term Four at the Cathedral. The sacraments are a core part of our faith and the practice of that faith. Baptism of course makes us members of The Church and the Eucharist is the sacrament that continues to nourish our spiritual life. I encourage any students who have not received these sacraments to think about taking this step in their faith journey. We will run a similar programme again next year for any other students who would like to be baptised and receive Holy Communion.


Finally I wish you all an enjoyable school holiday. Hopefully this is a time to relax, spend time with family and gain focus again ready for Term Four. 



Kieran Udy | Leader Of Mission & Faith Formation.