Acting Principal's Message

School Vision:  We provide a dynamic learning environment that engages and inspires students to achieve their personal best in an atmosphere of mutual respect and cooperation.

Ms Sharon Wildermuth
Ms Sharon Wildermuth

Dear Parents and Carers, 

Welcome to Spring! After a long winter it is lovely to arrive onto our attractive school grounds, now in daylight, as the sun glows on the beautiful trees that abound in our school. In the neighbourhood there are many trees blossoming, and the scent of spring is certainly upon us. 

Last week the rain cleared, and an enthusiastic group of parents rallied around Yan Zepf (Curtis 3A) – organiser of the annual Father’s and Special Friend’s breakfast and annual Dad’s Joke competition. A huge thank-you to all the volunteers, who set up and assisted on the morning as without you all, the event would not have been possible! The age old saying, ‘Many hands make light work was certainly the case last week’. Thank-you.


Enrolments For 2024 – Are You Moving?

If you are leaving our school and will not require a place at Toorak PS in 2024, can you please let the office know immediately? We are currently organising class structures for 2024, so it is essential that we are informed of any students who are leaving. 


Class Placements 2024

This is the time of year when parents can put into writing for their child’s placement for 2024 based on social issues and learning needs. If you know of any issues that could impact on your child’s learning, please put it in writing addressed to the school’s email account, Your request will be considered but not guaranteed.  Please do not send requests asking for a specific teacher. All the requests are to be back to school by Friday, 6th October.  If you have spoken with us in the past, your requests will need to be renewed as circumstances change on a yearly basis. Please email the school.



Thank-you to those families who have already logged in and completed the Parent Opinion Survey. 

We have had some (69) responses to the Parent Opinion Survey so far, so thank you to those parents. We would like many more as your opinion counts to us and we will use the feedback to improve our school. All families have been sent a link to the survey. The survey is open until this Friday. I encourage everyone to have their say.


To complete the survey, please follow the steps below - 

1. Click on the link

2. Select the School and Campus name below.

School Name: Toorak Primary School

Campus Name: Toorak Primary

3. Enter the School PIN: 640498


It is nearly time – The Lion King is coming to a hall near you! 

The excitement is mounting as students and staff prepare for the biennial school production next week – The Lion King. The preparations are certainly in full swing with the hall hosting many rehearsals and costumes arriving very shortly. Our talented students and the dedicated staff team are putting in tremendous effort to ensure a memorable and captivating two performances. There’s only a little over a week to go until our super star students perform on stage and surprise you with their energy and enthusiasm. The production not only highlights our students' artistic and musical abilities but also fosters their confidence and teamwork skills.

Ms Exintaris, Ms. Wilson and Ms Morrison have done a fantastic job working with the children on their songs and dances along with other teachers, support staff and parents. Thank-you for all their organising of costumes, props, tickets and accessories.

Tickets are on sale via Try Booking - Make sure you get your tickets; you won’t want to miss this show.

The students will all be heading to Glen Eria Town Hall next Wed or Thursday for their stage run through in readiness for the big matinee at 2pm and then a night performance for the other cast at 6:30 pm. 


A reminder that students who are part of the matinee performance need to be collected from Glen Eira Hall at 3:30 pm.


Every day is important - ABSENCES

Every day at school counts. We know that across the winter season students are better off staying at home if they have a cough, cold or flu, but the sooner they are well again, they need to be at school. The longer a child is at home and the more days they miss, the more anxious and disconnected from their peers they become.

Parents and carers, we do ask that you either phone the office and leave a message advising why your child is absent or alternatively log the absence on compass, but please record a reason. ‘Parent Choice’ is not a valid reason to stay home from school so we will be following up with absences recorded this way. If you are unsure of how to record the absence reason on compass, please either phone or call into the office and we will help you.


Pride in our School and let us Protect our Skin

A reminder that from last week school hats are to be worn by students when outside, when at school and when attending all camps and excursions. Students are required to wear a hat which is in line with our SunSmart policy.  Please ensure your child has a school hat, navy and wide brimmed and it is named.  If you need to, please order a hat from our uniform supplier, State School Relief through Qkr.  No Hat, No Play 

A reminder that TPS requires all students to wear school uniform to school. A uniform dress code reinforces in students a pride in their own appearance, instils recognition of themselves as an integral part of our community. Students are expected to dress in complete school uniform in a way that reflects a sense of pride in their school and themselves. 

A reminder of our uniform expectations, as we have seen a few items creeping in that are not part of the expected uniform. This includes leggings, non-TPS hats and sports clubs’ jumpers (including the TPS basketball teams). Please remind your children of the expected uniform and the appropriate times to wear the other items.

As this is the last newsletter of the term, I look forward to seeing our families at the end of term Community Coffee Cart and I wish all our families a restful, enjoyable and safe holiday! 

Kind regards,

Sharon Wildermuth

Acting Principal