Health and Medical

Belinda Schodde | School Nurse                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Image by Dulcie Pula Long


Hi families,


Welcome to the new sick bay/health/medical page, you will find information, news and things to look out for in regards to your child's health here. 


The mesmerising header image is a painting of bush medicine leaves  by Aboriginal Artist Dulcie Pula Long.


Our staff have been undertaking their regular refreshers in first aid and CPR, here's Tarnia one of the Education Support staff showing us her CPR skills 


Dental van visit,  

cut off date for the forms is 30th August 


Health note

There has been a spike in positive COVID cases within the school - RAT kits are still available at the office, if you cant come in to pick some up, we're happy to put them in your child's bag, please email me 


We are also seeing cases of hand foot and mouth disease - if you suspect hand foot and mouth your child needs to be excluded from school until all the blisters have dried.


Stay well


Nurse Belinda