Principal's Report

Jane Briffa | Principal

Dear Parents & Carers, 

It has been a busy couple of weeks for our teachers and leadership team with lots of learning happening for the adults in our school. Our Leadership team are currently completing a number of professional learning workshops to ensure that we are up to date with latest research and evidence-based practices. Our staff had a great Curriculum Day on Friday, working together to learn about important mathematical concepts and developing our Mathematics Overviews for 2024. I have shared with our students at assembly the importance of being lifelong learners and how we as teachers continue to learn each and every day. I have asked students to find our School Vision on the school website and would encourage you to discuss what the vision means and why we, as a community, developed it together in 2018. 


We know that by the time our children finish school and tertiary studies in 6 -15 years time, jobs will look even more different than today and the skill sets required will be varied. Learner attitudes and capabilities will involve things like being persistent, being open to the new, being reflective or seeking and using feedback, to name a few.  Mr Bernau and I are currently completing learning around next generation assessment that will enable us to gauge how our students are working towards these capabilities that will best prepare them for the future. 


Next week is my favourite week of the school year... BOOK WEEK! We have a week full of activities planned which culminate with our parade on Friday morning. We look forward to seeing you in the gym if you are free. Thank you to everyone who was able to make it to our Science afternoon last week. It was great to see so many family members participating in the variety of activities that were happening around the school. I particularly enjoyed the concentration on some parents faces as they attempted to fold origami patterns. They were clearly displaying persistance. 


Congratulations to all of our Prep and Year 3 students who have been swimming this week. Mrs Bishop shared with me that the bus driver commented on how beautifully behaved our students were and how organised our staff were. He shared that he works with many schools and ours was one of the best he has seen. We are lucky to have great teachers who know their craft and work hard to provide our students with the best educational experiences possible. I am so proud of our community.   


Our School Council will be interviewing providers who are tendering for our 'Out of School Hours' contract for 2024/25, at our next SC meeting. Camp Australia's contract finished this year but they of course will be welcome to present to SC. The school must have at least three providers submit an application. Please do not hesitate to contact the office with any feedback that you would like the council to take into consideration during this process.  


We look forward to seeing you one of our upcoming events in coming weeks. 


Kind Regards, 

Jane Briffa