Connect: Year 6

How fast this term is flying! We are well and truly over the halfway mark. This week’s connection is brought to you by Bridie, Ruby and Georgie from 6A.

Dates to Remember:

  • Friday 18th August:             National Action Day Against Bullying
                                                         House Gymnastics - Students can wear their house colours
  • Monday 21st August:           Book Week
  • Friday 25th August:              Book Week Book Parade
  • Tuesday 29th August:          Fathers’ Day Stall

What's happening in our classrooms?


In maths, the year sixes have been learning about counting fractions and also decimals and percentages. They also have learnt how to change a fraction to a percentage using a calculator. In applied maths, students will also be learning how to interpret data in the media and elsewhere. 



In writing, students will continue learning how to persuade a reader to agree with their opinion. They have completed an introduction and plan exceptionally well. The students have shown strong arguments and used very high modality vocabulary. 



We have ended looking at Electricity and Electrical Circuits and building models of houses that have at least two working lights in them. The students learnt how to connect a circuit using wires, batteries and a light bulb to create electricity. They all did a wonderful job and had lots of fun making a house to share with our visitors and parents! Next students will be creating a presentation to share their learning with their peers.



Our Term 3 focus for Wellbeing is Gender And Identity. On Thursdays and Fridays students have been gaining awareness of human rights and learning about each gender. Students have also been learning about the effects of puberty. 


Well done on all the students for their participation in the Science Fair! It was a great opportunity for students to share what they have been learning about with their parents.