Connect: Year 4

Dear 4A and 4B families,


It was wonderful to see many of you throughout our Science Fair last Thursday afternoon. We know making it to these events is not easy so thank you for all your support and participation. Everyone did a great job taking part and contributing to the experiences. 

Important Dates: 

  • Friday 18th August:             National Action Day Against Bullying
                                                         House Gymnastics
  • Monday 21st August:          Book Week
  • Friday 25th August:              Book Week Book Parade
  • Tuesday 29th August:          Fathers’ Day Stall
  • Term 4 October 4th:             Philip Island Camp

The Next Fortnight of Learning



  • Continual work comparing and evaluating texts presenting the same idea.
  • Explaining how authors add extra details to have impact on the reader.
  • Focus on our discussions during Book Club meetings.
  • Continue to write persuasive paragraphs using TEEL.




Money was very enjoyable for us all. We hope the students have been leading their money knowledge to add up shopping lists or pocket money. To support our money learning we focused on decimals. Look for new language such as tenths and hundredths in your child's maths debrief.  




Our essential questions for this coming weeks are 'How can we harness the power of the wind?' and 'What is friction and how is it used in everyday objects?'.




Our next topic of learning for 'Resilience Rights & Respectful Relationships' is Gender and Identity. Throughout these lessons we will analyse our multifaceted identities and differentiate between sex and gender. We will identify the restricting effects of negative gender norms and focus on the enabling effects of positive gender norms. Students will develop an understanding of the influence of the media and literature in the construction of gender norms and respectfully challenge negative gender norms experienced in their lived environments.



HOUSE GYMNASTICS this FRIDAY. Students are required to wear their House colours. Good luck everyone!

  • Camp forms are due!!! Please send them with your child to give to their classroom teacher.
  • Students are to read for 20 minutes a day.
  • Daily times tables practise.
  • Water is the only liquid to be brought to school.
  • Please write your child's name on their school clothes. 

Celebration of our Learning 

Our Science Fair!! Well done to all students.