Connect: Year 3

August 2023

21st - 25th August

Book Week!

Book Week Parade and dressing up - Friday 25th

Tuesday 29th AugustFather's Day Stall
Friday 1st SeptemberDental Van beginning - continuing throughout following week
Friday 1st SeptemberFather's Day breakfast
Thursday 14th SeptemberFooty Day
Friday 15th SeptemberFinal Day of Term Three - dismissal at 2:30pm

What's happening in our classrooms?

Literacy: We are starting to wrap up our unit exploring fairy tales. The students have thoroughly enjoyed looking at a variety of tales, exploring their similarities and differences. This has been feeding into our writing sessions. They thought changing the story of 'The Gingerbread Man' was hilarious and have shown some interesting storylines using fairytales as a model! We are going to be heading into learning about the roles we take on as we start to discuss texts in small groups. We are also going to be learning about 'drawing conclusions'. This means using our existing knowledge and comprehending what the text is telling us.


Maths: We feel the students have worked hard on improving telling the time in the past fortnight! They have moved on to mapping, which is also linked to our fairy tale unit! Next week we will revisit the concepts of place value. This will allow to revise, strengthen and extend our understandings of what we have already covered this year.


Inquiry: The students have LOVED learning about the concept of melting and freezing. They have explored the three different states of matter and have learned the language we use when we undertake experiments. Once swimming is finished this week, we will attempt to make our own ice-cream using some materials! 

We thank our families for making the effort to come to the open afternoon. We hope you enjoyed yourselves!



A celebration of learning!

We have had another big week of celebrations with you, the wonderful families, coming to check out our learning for our big 'Liquids & Solids' unit. Thank you for making the effort for coming and sharing your time with us. Here are some quick snap shots!

Another big event happening this week has been our swimming program. The students have made us so proud with their resilience, respect and manners shown during their lessons.


 Congratulations for working hard this week Grade Three's... it has been a big one!


We hope you have a lovely fortnight.

The Grade Three Team - Ash, Taryn, Helen, Kate & Stef