Principal's Message

Dear parents, students and families,


Last  week was an incredibly busy one for the school. Mrs Winduss, had organised for a variety of organisations to attend the school to speak to the students during Health and Safety Week. These  included Vic Police, Responsible Pet Ownership, Metro, St John's First Aid and Fire Rescue Victoria. The children had a very positive week learning and discussing how to be responsible and to stay safe in the world. Thank you again Mrs Winduss.


Last Friday we had the wonderful  Drew Lane return to our school to work with the Year 4, 5 and 6 students on composing our school song. The children did a wonderful job of identifying the values that make St Anne's who we are. The staff have approved the song and we now wait for Drew to record the song to teach to all the children in the school This will add another special part to our overall culture and to have had student involvement makes it even better. Thank you to the teachers and our wellbeing leader Mrs Winduss for facilitating this wonderful day.


The weekend Masses of the 9th and 10th of September will be times when our students intending to be Confirmed in the faith are able to continue their enrolment for this. Confirmation is on Sunday 22nd October at 4pm for our students. 


The highlights of this week include some of the Year 5/ 6 students attending a Hoop Time competition under Mrs Ary's leadership. Well done to all our students who participated in the day. There were so many comments that our students were good sports.  Thank you for being a credit to your school and your families.


Tonight we look forward to  our students  presenting their Circus Skills performance. This show is the culmination of developing their skills each week. I especially thank 

Mrs McArthur and Mrs Ary for their leadership of this evening. 


Next week look to the end of  a successful and busy term. We will end the term with our annual Footy Day.

The order forms will be coming home tonight. Please make sure to fill in and return to school.

School Attendance and Unexplained Absence

Please contact the school if your child is going to be absent by leaving a message on  9786 4736 and press 1. Please give details of your child’s name and class with areason for their absence such as: unwell, appointment, holiday or family reasons. Alternatively an email can be sent to with cc to the child’s teacher.


If you are running late, (after 9:00 am) please attend the office to sign your child into school and collect a late pass.


If you are picking up your child early you will need to collect them and sign them out from the office.


As per our policy this will be our morning routine for absences:


Parents will be contacted as soon as practicable on the morning a student is absent via a text message.

If parent does not contact the school after receiving the text message, the school will contact the parent by phone. If the parent is unreachable the emergency contacts will be contacted by the school.

If there is still no response, and the school feels that the child is in danger, the police will be contacted.

Ongoing unexplained absences or lack of cooperation regarding student attendance will result in a formal conference being organized. Unresolved attendance issues will be referred to D.H.H.S.

This is a legal requirement.

Democratic Principles

 The six (6) principles of Australian democracy include:

(a)   elected government; and

(b)   the rule of law; and

(c)   equal rights for all before the law; and

(d)   freedom of religion; and

(e)   freedom of speech and association; and 

(f)   the values of openness and tolerance