Arts Week 

4-9 September

Arts Week Wrap-up

The College was a lot quieter with the 9s and 10s away however Monday's lunchtime Theatresports in PA 3/4 had a good turnout. With the help of Senior Theatre Studies students and Mr Rice, everyone enjoyed the spirit of spontaneity and improvisation. 



On Tuesday Ms Low and the VCE Art Making and Exhibiting students hung their works in the B wing corridor creating an exhibition. Students have been invited to view the works and vote for their favourite for the People's Choice award. Ellie L.'s work won the People's Choice award, congratulations to Ellie and to Anang L. for coming runner-up.


Wednesday was too windy for our outdoor collaboration artwork, so it moved to T4. Ms Ferre led the Sumi Ink session and students used brushes and ink to create different marks. Everyone was encouraged to build the drawing as a collaborative work. The response from all who engaged was that it was very relaxing and enjoyable. This has sparked the Arts team to run a few more next term to promote creative mindfulness. 


Thursday celebrated the achievements of the VCE Media students with a screening of some of their final films in the auditorium. One lunchtime was not enough - so we will have to continue with another session after the break. A very sincere apology to Saif M., my remote mouse moved at a key point in his film, disrupting the tension, I (Mrs Scott) am truly sorry. However, we were able to recover and watch the end getting just as frightened as he intended. Miss Bakas created an arts trivia quiz that required students to use their arts knowledge to respond to questions correctly for prizes - Great work! 


Friday we were supposed to see musical talents showcased in the courtyard in an Open Mic. session, however, the weather was not cooperative. We are happy to announce that this Friday (15th) at lunchtime the Open Mic session will be held, thanks to Mrs Marcou and Mr Meyer for running this!


Finally, we would like to say a big thank you to the Arts Faculty for the amazing effort they have put into running this week - and to all the students who participated. Our art and creative culture is strong here at Chelt.Sec, and it's all thanks to you. 


Mrs Scott and Miss Hine