Senior School (Y11-12)

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner  |  VCAL Athletics Carnival BBQ fundraiser  |  VCAL Project  |  Senior School Team and contacts

Year 12 Valedictory Dinner 

Tickets can be purchased here.


VCAL Athletics Day BBQ fundraiser

One of the final events that we, as the senior VCAL class, helped out on was the BBQ that we ran and organised with the help of our teachers and other staff members on Athletics Day. We decided to choose The Salvation Army as the charity where all proceeds were going, as we had gone to one of their main buildings in the CBD way back at the start of the year as an excursion day.


To us, it seemed that the Salvation Army was always struggling, even with help from the government to help people in need. Food, water and shelter are always a big issue when you’re homeless and visiting during the excursion and hearing true stories is always hard to hear, especially when you live in a safe little bubble. 


However, when we called the Salvos, they were delighted to hear that a few of us students were set on giving them the profit of our BBQ. You may have already heard that the final amount of profit was around $610, and when we were visiting to take a photo, we were told that our donation would be enough for two weeks of supplies! For one BBQ, that is something to be proud of. We hope that we don’t have to just stop there with only one BBQ or fundraiser and instead many more can help out for The Salvation Army.  Thanks for reading. 


- Leo B.-B. VCAL student

VCAL Project

For our final Year 12 major project, our group was struggling to find ideas.  Eventually, we decided to recycle the existing damaged picnic tables and turn them into garden beds for the courtyard area. 


With the help of Mr Florance and Mr Mathews, our group was able to design, measure and cut the damaged picnic tables to length ready for assembly in the coming weeks. We had to get precise measurements in order for the garden bed to sit flush within its designated area. 


Some problems we had encountered were some team members were sick and then the weather held us back for some time, however in the end we managed to finish the project before the deadline. 


Our whole group project involved measuring and cutting timbers to certain lengths and once they had all been cut to the right lengths we then proceeded to pre-drill where the screws would go. Mr Florance was kind enough to cut all the timbers to length which saved us a lot of time. After pre-drilling each hole we then screwed in the heavy-duty six-inch screws around the whole garden bed, braces were also placed on the inside of each corner of the garden bed for stability. When everything had been screwed in, our group then transported the garden bed to the courtyard and placed it where it was meant to go. Our measurements were accurate and the garden bed fitted perfectly in the area where it was meant to go. Overall, we really enjoyed building this project and it was a great way to leave our mark on our school for when we leave. 


- Vanderlei K. VCAL student

Senior School Team and contacts

Please contact us if you have any concerns about your young person at school. 















Trent McIntyre                                                                                     Lyndsey Beames 

Senior School Director                                                                     Coordinator                                                             














Jordy Hine                                 
