
Lacrosse  |  Beachside Athletics

Lacrosse Victoria SSV State Championships

On Friday 25th August we were privileged to take three teams to participate in the Secondary School Tri-Ball tournament run by Lacrosse Victoria. There were a range of schools involved, many of whom have Lacrosse programs running in their schools. The majority of our players had not had very much exposure to Lacrosse prior to the day. We had run two training sessions with students prior to the event, but not everybody was able to attend. To further complicate matters several players were unable to attend due to an assessment so we bolstered our numbers on the day with some extra recruits who had not done any training.


What impressed the staff who attended were the fantastic values which were demonstrated by the students on the day, in particular the sense of community from everybody in passing the ball around and ensuring that all team members were involved. Students also demonstrated Personal Best and it was very pleasing to see that every team improved over the course of the day. The Intermediate Boys and Senior Girls (who was actually made up of intermediate girls due to the late change in personnel) both won their final game to finish in fifth position on the day. The Senior Boys were also on track to win with scores tied with 30 seconds to go but unfortunately for us their opponents scored right on the buzzer to steal the win. Regardless of the final results we are very proud of the way all students conducted themselves on the day and the effort that they devoted to learning new skills. It was a pleasure to work with them.

Beachside Athletics

On September 5th our winning competitors from our house athletics, ventured to Duncan McKinnon Reserve to compete in the Beachside Athletics. The weather was not at its best and our team was light on due to the Year 9's at City School and Year 10's at Work Experience. Thank you to the fabulous students who took part in their event and displayed their personal best. 


Our best performer of the day was Jordan who qualified for Southern Metro, coming first in Long Jump. Chelt.Sec were so close in so many other events with the following results:


Second Place: 

  • Harley - Javelin and Shot Put
  • Madi H - Long Jump
  • Heath - Discuss
  • Annabel - Long Jump
  • Sam - Long Jump
  • Billie - Shot Put. 


Third Place: 

  • Rotem - 100m
  • Yanni - 1500m
  • Grace - 100m
  • Heath - Shot Put
  • Kiera - Triple Jump.


Many thanks to our pre-service teachers Mitch, Sam and George from Deakin University, who supported our team and staff members and also helped with duties on the track.


Coming Up in Sport

Thursday 5th October 

SMR Athletics


Thursday 12th October

SMR Year 7 Boys Cricket

SMR Year 8 Boys Cricket


Tuesday 17th October

SMR Intermediate Girls Cricket


Tuesday 16th November

SMR Year 8 Baseball