
From the Director  |  Presentations/Workshops across September  |  R U OK? Day  |  Student Wellbeing Bulletin  |  The Breakfast Club  |  Contact form  |  Helpful contacts

Wishing everyone a safe and happy holiday break  We look forward to seeing you all feeling recharged and ready to give Term 4 your absolute best and to see out the year on a positive note.


Kerri Haworth

Director of Wellbeing

Presentations/workshops across September

Presentations and workshops for September have focused on our Year 11 and Year 12 students.


Year 11

The Year 11 students were provided with a lesson plan for pastoral care that informed them of the importance of creating a Vision Board.  ‘One of the most powerful mind exercises you can do is visualise. Vision boards let you visualise your success. By regularly looking at your vision board, you immerse yourself in a visual representation of what you want or hope to achieve. This helps create a positive and powerful image in your mind, making it easier to believe in your ability to achieve your goals’.  Some of the world’s most successful people have vision boards that keep them focused on their goals and working hard to achieve them.  See some examples below.  

Year 12


Red Frogs came to speak with our students to share information and advice on key issues that can arise during Schoolies Week.  This presentation encourages and empowers students to make positive choices within various party environments and gives them great advice on how to keep themselves and their mates safe during this time.


Students were treated to Allen’s Red Frogs for providing appropriate answers to the questions that Alex was asking.

R U Ok? Day

Thursday 14th September is R U Ok? Day.  R U Ok? Day is a national day of action dedicated to reminding everyone that any day is the day to ask ‘are you OK?’ and support those struggling with life. The theme for 2023 is “I’m here to hear”.









Student Wellbeing Bulletin


The Student Wellbeing Bulletin was shared via email with students, staff and parents at the beginning of September.  The theme for term 3 was Connection.  



Please have a read through and share your thoughts and a hug with your young person as a way of connecting with them.

Wellbeing Contact Form


Contact our Cheltenham Secondary College Wellbeing team directly with any concerns or issues and one of the team will get back to you. The form can be accessed here.

Helpful Contacts



Headspace Centres can be a one-stop shop for all young people who just need some help with everyday stuff or wellbeing and physical health. 


Kids Helpline


Kids Helpline is across Australia, it is free, private and confidential 24/7. Mainly for young people aged 5 to age 25.

Call them on.. 1800 55 1800




Provides all Australians everywhere experiencing a personal crisis allowing 24-hour support. Call them on.. 13 11 14


Beyond Blue


Provides information and support which helps tackle head-on the effects of mental health issues no matter where or what age. 

Call them on.. 1300 22 4636




Fantastic service for parents and carers of young children from a few days of age all the way up to 18-year-olds. This service offers counselling and support which is confidential and anonymous on all issues around parenting.  Call them on...13 22 89.