From the Acting Principal 

As the newly appointed Acting Principal of Cheltenham Secondary College, I would like to extend my gratitude and thanks to all the staff and students of Cheltenham who have been so welcoming since I arrived three and a half weeks ago; I couldn’t have asked for a better start. I have been really impressed with how settled classes are, how engaged students are in their learning and how respectful students are to each other and to their teachers. I have been spending time accompanying teachers on their yard duty which has allowed me to not only get to know staff but also get to know students as we walk around the yard. Furthermore, I have enjoyed greeting students at the gate with the Assistant Principals as students arrive at school which is not only a great way to start the school day but also builds on the sense of community that is so prevalent at Cheltenham Secondary College. I’m looking forward to continuing to get to know the school by visiting classrooms, listening to students and meeting with staff throughout next term.


New Building Update

Next term architects will be making onsite visits to Cheltenham Secondary College to draft proposals for the new building. Throughout the process of developing drafts and plans, we will be consulting with staff, students and parents and ensuring that the new building enhances the learning opportunities for all our students, stay tuned…


Staffing Update

Brooke Matthews will be taking leave next term and we have made an appointment for an Acting Assistant Principal to fill her very big shoes! I’d like to thank Brooke for her outstanding contribution to Cheltenham Secondary College and wish her a well-deserved break.


Daniel Williams has been appointed as the Acting Assistant Principal for Term 4. Daniel is currently a Leading Teacher of Middle School at Cranbourne East and before that was at Mordialloc College where he was Director of Middle School for a long period of time and has had experience as an Acting Principal of Junior School too. Welcome Daniel.


Year 12 students

Our Year 12 VCE students are moving into exam preparation mode and we wish them all the best in their final weeks of Year 12. It has been a big year, and as a parent of a Year 12 student, I understand first-hand what students go through not only at school but at home also. Supporting our Year 12 students in their final year requires a strong three-way partnership between students, parents and teachers and I’m grateful to our team of dedicated teachers who go above and beyond for their Year 12 students in conjunction with our parents at home who are supporting their children to stay motivated and healthy. With the end in sight, I encourage our Year 12 VCE students to keep working hard and finish the year off with no regrets.


Farewell Year 12 VCAL students - congratulations to our Year 12 VCAL students who finish formal classes at the end of this term. I’ve been told they have had an outstanding year and are well and truly ready to embrace their pathways beyond school, just a little earlier than their VCE peers!


Finally, as I said to staff on my first day and to our student leaders, if you have any concerns, questions or feedback, feel free to give me a call or email me, I’d be more than happy to have a conversation.


Enjoy the holidays and we look forward to seeing students next term after a restful break!


Carrie Wallis

Acting Principal