Student Celebrations

Celebrating many things that our students have achieved

Congratulations to the following students who were nominated for Student Learning and Achievement Awards by their classroom teacher/s.



PAJamie FFor his range of strategies and resilience when working on challenging subtraction problems. Keep helping others and working hard, Jamie!
PBElla GFor your new-found confidence interacting with your peers! You are inclusive by nature, and full of fabulous ideas that you willingly share with your peers. We are so lucky to have you in Prep B!
PCMichael PFor the amazing counting knowledge you have shown during our combining and separating units. Michael, you have shown Prep C some amazing ways to work with numbers! Keep up the great work. 
PDWill DFor making fantastic choices when lining up after play. Well done Will for showing respect to your classmates. Keep up the great work!
PEAmron DFor your amazing reading of "The Big Wind Day" in guided reading.  You are using your knowledge of high frequency words to read with accuracy and fluency.  Well done!
1ALeo VFor always displaying positive choices inside and outside of the classroom. You continuously work well with others and try your best to complete any task to the best of your ability. You make such a great role model for others in our class. Keep up the great work, Leo!
1BLucas D For your outstanding problem solving skills when using number lines and number charts. Lucas showed different ways to solve several worded problems and was courageous enough to try new strategies. Well done Lucas!
1CAmaan SFor his fantastic efforts in making interesting contributions during our classroom discussions this week and ensuring he has been listening respectfully to others who are doing the same. Great job Amaan, keep it up!
1DArlo SFor always putting in your best effort during independent reading time. Arlo you are a great role model and always try your best to use decoding and comprehension strategies.
3AQuinn DFor working hard toward your maths and writing goals this week. Quinn, you’re able to take on feedback to progress your skills and understanding in writing, such as using a range of strategies to spell unfamiliar words. You never give up! I can’t wait to see what goals you reach by the end of this term.
3BEmran SFor being a valued, kind and respectful member of 3B. Emran, it has been a pleasure being your teacher this year! You show maturity in the way you interact with others and bring fun and happiness to the people around you. I have heard great feedback this week, keep up the great work mate! 
3CGeorgia GFor writing a well structured and convincing persuasive text incorporating many different persuasive techniques. Keep up the excellent work Georgia, well done! 
3DMillicent BFor participating enthusiastically in our Socratic discussions during our reading lessons. Well done Millicent and keep on working hard on your reading goals! 
4AIsabella AFor always trying your best in all areas of your learning. You consistently look for ways to extend yourself, especially in our Maths lessons. You have settled so well into 4A and confidently share your ideas in our class discussions. Well done Isabella!
4BThomas FFor always modeling the Wembley Values and consistently displaying persistence, hard work and dedication to all areas of his learning. Thomas, you are such a wonderful role model to your peers. We are so lucky to have you in 4B!
4CMilla DFor being a role model for inclusion in our class. You always show great empathy through your dedication to making sure that those around you feel happy, safe and included by others. We are lucky to have you in 4C Milla, you are a star!
4DAlex KFor trying really hard to include detail in your work! You have been trying really hard to pay attention to the little things with all areas of your learning and it really shows. As a result, you've been able to improve your reading and writing so much. Thank you for having the most amazing attitude towards your learning, listening to feedback and trying your best to keep improving!
5AJensen MFor showing a great drive to learn about decimals in our maths lessons, and putting his knowledge to practice in a variety of tasks. Great work, Jensen. Keep it up!
5BHudson SFor making positive choices in the classroom and for your excellent effort with your learning. Keep up the great work Hudson!
5CDamon TFor being a Wembley role model. You are a dedicated student who always strives to improve. I have been so impressed by your willingness to support younger students at lunch and recess. Congratulations Damon on an inspirational year!
5/6AKobi CFor her persistence and application of the 6+1 Traits of Writing. Kobi has shown a willingness to ask questions and apply this feedback to improve her writing. She has also shown an increased confidence in the belief within herself and towards her learning. Keep up that growth mindset! 
6ACharlie AFor your consistent effort in demonstrating the Wembley school values inside of the classroom. Charlie, your insights, behaviour and efforts in the classroom is valued highly. Well done, and keep up the great work!
6BLuis CFor your efforts in your Orders of Operations goal work this week. You are showing your understanding by working step-by-step. Keep up the great work!
6CErin TFor achieving your goals in maths. Erin, you have really challenged yourself and used a growth mindset when approaching new tasks. Keep it up legend!


PBLena NFor your fantastic efforts across all literacy learning! Your focus and determination to sound out as your read and write is paying off. Well done Lena! 
PCLucinda S For showing great determination and enthusiasm to challenge yourself during our maths learning. Lucinda, you have gone above and beyond this week to support your peers with their learning too. Well done! 
PDAudrey PFor the fantastic contributions that she has been making to class discussions. Audrey, we love hearing from you! Keep up the great work!
PEGreta MFor your brilliant writing about Polar Habitats.  You included amazing detail in your text, sharing so many interesting facts. Well done and keep up the great work!
1ALola VFor her fantastic efforts in maths this week in using the split strategy to solve addition number sentences. I’m so proud of your ability to challenge yourself and have a go. You are a superstar, Lola!
1BTegan NFor always being so kind to her classmates, if any student is ever feeling sad Tegan always makes an effort to show empathy and care for them. She also works very hard in all curriculum areas and is a pleasure to teach. 
1CPaige NFor her consistent demonstration of our Wembley value of empathy. Paige, you have such a kind and considerate nature. We appreciate you, keep it up!
1DOrlando CFor having a go and challenging yourself to try new strategies and solve addition problems. Keep up the great work, Orlando!
2ALevi GFor his resilience and adaptability.  Levi, I am so proud of your hard work while you were visiting another classroom for the day.  You contributed and participated beautifully! Well done!
2BKarim EFor his resilience and willingness to take part in everything on camp!  Well done Karim, you were so brave and so resilient throughout the whole camp and it was wonderful to watch your confidence grow.  Amazing work, keep it up!  
2CBoston NFor showing amazing listening and engagement in our lessons! Boston it has been so great to see you raising your hand and sharing your thoughts with the class this week. Keep up your incredible focus and awesome work superstar!
2DHamish AFor showing fantastic listening skills and manners in class. Hamish, you have worked very hard in Term 3, especially in writing for your information report on birds and your marshmallow procedure. You’ve also shown great effort in your maths and reading work. Lastly, you’ve been very kind and helpful. Keep it up!
3ASamuel HFor your inspiring and creative writing piece for our book week display. Samuel, you’ve shown dedication and focus in completing your writing piece this week. Well done, and keep up the passion!
3BIndy LFor your effort and attitude towards writing this week. Indy, you showed this week how capable you are and created an interesting and detailed writing piece for our book week display. Well done on your achievements this week, keep up the great work! 
3CElsa FFor the effort you put in consistently across all areas of your learning, especially evident in your book week writing piece. You listen carefully in the mini lessons and always strive to complete your learning to the best standard. We are proud of you Elsa. Keep up the great work!
3DAmelie P For your wonderful effort with developing a range of strategies for division.  Amelie, you continuously work hard towards achieving your math goals. Keep up the fantastic effort ! 
4AEve EFor the amazing effort you have put into drafting, revising and editing your buddy book. You have worked very hard to make sure it is going to be fun and engaging for your buddy. Well done Eve!
4BMarlie CFor being an all round fabulous student who works hard in class, asks questions, strives for her best, gets along with others and consistently models the Wembley Values. Marlie, what a wonderful role model you are. 4B is so lucky to have you!
4CCruz BFor putting fantastic effort into your learning this week. Cruz, you have made brave choices in the classroom that have helped you learn at your best and have put great effort into tasks. Keep up the great work! 
4DAngie WFor the amazing growth you've shown in the classroom and outside of the classroom too! I'm really proud of your dedication to your learning and how you've made so many great friendships with others. It's so great to see you share your wonderful personality with the world and we're very lucky to have you in 4D. I hope you are enjoying 2023 and continue to shine!
5AJavier BFor showing great knowledge and a willingness to be challenged with all of our Maths learning. Javier, the way that you seek extension work is great to see and is leading to some great growth. Awesome work!
5BJacques BFor show persistence by working hard to publish your writing piece the ‘Opposite Dimension’. Keep up the amazing work Jacques. You are a highly valued member of 5B. 
5CZali AFor being an enthusiastic and helpful member of 5C. From your first day at Wembley, you have shown a positive approach to learning and always have a smile on your face. Congratulations Zali!
5/6AClaire EFor showing resilience and an increased confidence in the belief within herself, and towards her learning. Claire produced a wonderful piece of writing this week, which showcased her ability to master her writing goals. Super effort! Well done Claire!
6AMikaela TFor your great reflections on how ethical issues are represented in the media. Mikaela, you have been able to identify the variety of voices & tones that different media presentations possess in great detail. Well done, and keep up the great work!
6BLily NFor your exceptional reading responses, Lily! You always take the time to consider all aspects of an issue, and express your thoughts and ideas with clarity. Keep up the amazing work!
6CPenny SFor attempting new challenges with a growth mindset and displaying amazing descriptive language in her writing. Penny, you have a talent for providing the reader with imagery! Keep it up legend!

Regional Hockey


On Monday, 14th August, the Wembley mixed hockey team competed at the Regional gala against teams from Geelong, Carolyn Springs and Williamstown. Our players performed amazingly well, winning all three group games. During the tournament, we showed great teamwork and respect for the opposition. The organiser of the event even congratulated Wembley on showing fair play throughout the day.


In the Grand Final, we competed against Williamstown and had a fantastic game. It was a nail biter with the result decided in extra time with a golden goal scored by Williamstown. To finish runners up at Regional is an incredible achievement, and all players should be proud of the effort and resilience they showed. 


9 Wembley students recently competed in the Victorian SnowSports Interschools Competition at Mt Buller.


Under trying weather conditions, Mia F (Yr1), Leo S (Yr1), Charlotte M (Yr2), Harrison G (Yr2), Charlotte G (Yr3), Filip F (Yr3), Angus B (Yr3), Harrison M (Yr4) and Oscar B (Yr5) raced across the Alpine Giant Slalom and Ski Cross disciplines as well as participated in the opening ceremony parade.


For 5 of the students it was their first ever ski race. 


Over 220 Schools compete annually in the event held at Mt. Buller. In recent years there have been just under 6,500 entries in the event across 9 disciplines. Competitors have the choice of Alpine Giant Slalom, Snowboard Giant Slalom, Snowboard Cross, Ski Cross, Moguls, Cross Country Classical, Cross Country Freestyle Relay, Slopestyle Ski and Slopestyle Snowboard.


The Interschools provides a great atmosphere for students of all ages and abilities to complete and share in the event. Any Wembley snow sports families interested in competing in coming years, feel free to reach out via the school. 


Well done to all 9 students for representing Wembley by modelling our school values and showing great sportsmanship. We are proud of your efforts.

Student Newsletter acknowledgements


We LOVE to hear about student achievements outside of school. If there are any acknowledgements that parents/students wish to share with us and can be celebrated with our wider community, we ask that you email us at with the student/s name/s, a summary of the acknowledgement and any photos that you would be comfortable sharing and we will aim to include it in our fortnightly WPS newsletter.