Student Recognition Awards

Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award! | ||
PM | Menaal | for her positive attitude to all learning. You always offer thoughtful answers during class discussion. |
PM | Sophie | for writing a great summary this week in Reading. Keep up the great work. |
PP | Harper | for being a caring friend to everyone in our class! |
PP | Tina | for taking on feedback and always doing your best work! |
PW | Lilyan | for demonstrating an increasing confidence in new and unfamiliar situations and facing challenges with a positive attitude. |
PW | Yusra | for your hard work in numeracy and literacy. You have shown such an improve in both areas Yusra! Keep up the great work. |
1G | Wali | for great effort and achieving an impressive amount of work during Writing lessons. Well done Wali! Keep aiming high! |
1G | Alyssa | for great effort with her reading and actively participating during during Guided Reading sessions. Well done Alyssa! Keep up the wonderful effort! |
1L | Ryo | for trying hard to remain focused during learning time and completing his work independently. Well done Ryo! |
1L | Makayla | for her extremely positive attitude she continues to demonstrate each day. Fantastic job Makayla! |
1S | Joseph C | for taking care when doing your handwriting. I am very impressed with your formation on some of the tricky lower case letters. Keep it up! |
1S | Zara | for being persistent in maths trying your very best to share numbers between 2. Keep it up Zara! |
2M | Melody | for always trying her best and helping others. Well done, Melody. |
2M | Jessica | for working hard to sound out words during reading. Well done, Jessica. |
2S | Cooper H | for confidently presenting the Level 2 Robotics reflection at the whole School Assembly. |
2S | Svetha | for confidently embracing your new school. Welcome Svetha we are delighted to have you join 2S. |
2Q | Ivy | for challenging herself during Writing lessons. Keep up the good work Ivy! |
2Q | Nyle | for making great connections during Reading lessons. Well done Nyle! |
3B | Rex | for presenting his beautiful calm writing at our whole school assembly. |
3B | Fiona | for settling so well into her new school routine. Fiona always has a smile on her face and shows enthusiasm for her learning. |
3G | Torres | for the determination you have shown, and the success you have achieved, in writing summaries for fiction texts. Great work, Torres! |
3G | Avalyn | for your fabulous efforts across all curriculum areas every day. The improvements you made during our multiplication unit were amazing and your growth in summarising texts has been impressive. Well done, Avalyn! |
3Q | Giselle | for your performance at assembly you demonstrated your exemplary character and personal growth. You have undoubtedly become an inspiration to your peers, showing them the importance of embracing calmness in various aspects of their lives. Incredible effort Giselle. |
3Q | John | Congratulations John on your achievements and the positive energy you have brought to our school community make us proud by sharing your writing at assembly. We look forward to witnessing your continued brilliance and impact in the future. |
4K | Trista | for working with many different peers and classmates during group activities and trying her best to succeed in her learning. |
4K | Eric | for being a great classmate and helping new students to learn english, DPS routines and explaining tasks for his peers in detail, to get the most out of group learning experiences. Great work Eric. |
4WB | Kun | for working so hard on your All About Me booklet, learning lots of new English words in a short amount of time. |
4WB | Chris | for showing such great skills and focus on building arrays for division and multiplication. Great work Chris! |
5C | Alexander | for being welcoming and helpful during week 6 while also staying on task and trying your best! Well done Alex! |
5E | Siddak | for working hard to learn the lyrics to ‘I am Australian’ and performing it well in assembly. Welldone Siddak! |
5E | Jayden | for always working so well in class. You put so much effort into everything that you do and complete tasks to a high standard. Keep up the great work Jayden! |
5K | Luscien | for doing a great job as class meeting leader this week. |
5K | Aryana | for working well in a team while making her history diorama. |
6C | Ryan | for displaying an improved positive attitude towards your class work and increased effort. We have observed an improvement in your concentration and effort Ryan! Keep up the great work! |
6C | Zoe | for having a fantastic start in 6C and displaying a positive and hard working attitude towards your work and during Buddies. Well done Zoe! |
6J | Arvin | for contributing outstanding ideas in our film study. |
6J | Samuel | for a producing a detailed autobiography that matched the required format. |
Congratulations to the following students who have received a student recognition award in a specialist class! | ||
Art | Laith 3B | for always trying your best. Laith is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Laith! |
Art | Regina 2S | for her neat and organised approach to all learning tasks. Regina loves to help around the classroom too. Well done! |
Art | Menaal Prep M | for her beautiful creative ideas that shines through in her bright and colourful drawings. Well done! |
Art | Kate 4S | for increasing your confidence and participation in class. Kate is also a very helpful student when it comes to packing up time. Thank you, Kate! |
Art | Adiana 6J | for trying her best and taking great pride in the presentation of her work. Adiana is always enthusiastic and helpful in the classroom. Thank you Adiana! |
Art | Isaac 6J | for being a motivated and independent student with a great love of learning. Isaac tries his best and creates beautiful and amazing artwork! Well done Isaac! |
Cultural Studies | Renee 3G | for working hard to create a beautifully presented project on Switzerland! Great job, Renee! |
Cultural Studies | Katie 3G | for working hard to create a beautifully presented project on Switzerland! Great job, Katie!
Cultural Studies | Faham 2Q | for being an eager and enthusiastic member of each Cultural Studies session. I love to hear your great thoughts and ideas. Great job, Faham! |
Cultural Studies | Bardia 1S | for showing improved listening skills during our Cultural Studies discussions. I love to hear your great ideas Bardia! |
Cultural Studies | Sebastian PM | for showing interest and enthusiasm during Cultural Studies classes. You have great ideas to share! |
Cultural Studies | Liana PW | for listening well in Cultural Studies and starting to share your ideas with the class! Well Done, Liana! |
LOTE | Kanushka 4K | for being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Kanushka! |
LOTE | Luka 4S | for willing to participate in all class activities and approaching his work with a positive attitude. Well done Luka! |
LOTE | Cohen 5C | for approaching his work with a positive attitude and continues to make good progress. Well done Cohen! |
LOTE | Cassie 5E | for developing good Chinese oral skills and responds well during class discussions. Well done Cassie! |
LOTE | Cyreentra 6C | for being a caring and enthusiastic student, working well in LOTE lessons. Well done Cyreentra! |
LOTE | Eason 6M | for approaching LOTE lessons with eagerness and confidence. He shows initiative by helping around the classroom. Thank you Eason. |
P.E | Faham 2Q | for for his cheerful approach to all P.E. activities. Faham also gives his best effort in class and is a thoughtful and caring student whenever a fellow student needs assistance. What a star!! |
P.E | Jason 3G | for his determination to improve his skills across all areas of Physical Education. This was evident in his focused attempts at high jump this week. Great work Jason! |
P.E | Georgia 6J | for her persistence in trying to improve her overarm throwing technique with a vortex in P.E. this week. What a great quality to demonstrate. Well done Georgia! |
Science | Barad 2Q | for his consistent behaviour in science, he is always listening and ready to learn well done! |
Science | Zachary PP | for his fantastic presentation for science week, he spoke clearly and was able to explain the science of his project, well done! |
Science | Sora 3G | for her incredible science project, she showed of the power of heat very creatively, well done! |
Science | Lyon 4K | for his fantastic project showing how electricity can move through different objects, well done! |
Science | Lena 6M | for her amazing pinball machine, Lena put in her best effort with help from a friend to create a working pinball machine, well done! |
Science | Desmond 5E | for consistently putting in his best effort during science, well done! |