'Authors of DPS' initiative

Book week was a great reason to launch our new initiative in the DPS library.
Introducing ‘Writers of DPS’! Your chance to have your own books displayed in a special area in our school library, and be available to be borrowed by other students. Students will then write an encouraging comment on a sheet at the back to inspire more writing!
What can I write?
You can write a picture story, poems, short story, graphic novel, Nonfiction, Cookbook, ‘how to‘ book or even bilingual book. It can be one you have written at school already or one you will write in your own time at home. You can write with friends. You do not need to give it to me this week – I will take them anytime they are ready throughout the year.
What is the process?
Get an adult to proof read your draft to make sure there are no spelling or grammar errors.
Type or handwrite your story and add relevant illustrations.
Visit Ms Foster in the library to get some coloured paper to create a front and back cover. Don’t forget the blurb to catch the attention of your readers.
Submit it to Ms Foster so she can make a photocopy, add a barcode, cover it and put it into the library catalogue ready to be put on the shelf for other students to borrow.
Look for your book when you are in the library for all the ‘Positive Praise’ on the sheet in the back.
Well, what are you waiting for……start writing, I can’t wait to read your books!!
Ms Foster